Chapter 3

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Ginny and I literally dropped everything and ran down all the flights of stairs. No one was downstairs so we realized everyone was outside. Stepping outside the front door I noticed everyone crowded around something. Ginny and I walked up to the group. Everyone was so tall I hopped on my tippy toes and saw yet another all to familiar red-head on the ground clutching his leg moaning curse words. "Ronald what have you done this time??" I said staring intently at him.

He quickly looked up at me with a sheepish grin. "um well I was riding my broom when I just kinda lost control..."

I glared at him, "argh Ron! You do realize you can't go to the party now. I mean from here I can see your leg has broken in ten different places I mean how did you manage that!" I couldn't believe how clumsy Ron could have been! The boat party is in exactly two days from now and Skele gro would take at least a whole week on Ron's leg considering how mangled it is.

"well it seems that I will be going stag at the party" I said sadly. I was looking forward to letting go for once with my boyfriend. I am upset but I will put on a brave face to not upset Ron. Mrs Weasley levitates Ron up and into the house and sets him down on the couch. I walk into the house and stand in front of Ron. He looks up at me, "Mione I am sorry, I really am. I know how much you wanted us to spend some time together".

I looked at him sympathetically. I am sad but I don't want him to feel like I hate him for this happening because that is definitely not the case.

After a little conversation between the two of us I left to go help Mrs Weasley in the kitchen for dinner. Stepping into the kitchen I waft of delicious smells went into my nostrils "mhmm Mrs Weasley this smells delightful!" I'm so glad I taught Mrs Weasley how to cook. She spent her whole life using magic to create food. But now she cooks all the time, she didn't realize the enjoyment you get out of making food.

"Thank you my dear I've been practicing how to make casseroles so I thought I would make one for everyone tonight to see how they like it!". I walked over to Mrs Weasley chopping up some vegetables. "here let me help, ill cut up the vegetables while you start the sauce".

So we spent over an hour cutting, mixing and cooking until dinner was finally ready and it sure did look good. I'll have to praise Mrs Weasley about it later during supper. So the both of us brought dinner to the table and served it to everyone's plates.

The lot all sat down and dug in after a complicated moving of Ron to the table. During dinner we talked about nothing and everything. It was nice I haven't been to the Weasley's Burrow in a while. I now don't know why I kept away for so long!

After a long dinner full with chatter and laughs Mr Weasley and Ginny took everyone's empty plates to the kitchen and put a charm on them to clean themselves. We all sat in the lounge and watched a replay of last weeks Quiddtich match against the Holyhead Harpies and the Chudley Cannons. We have all recently discovered that on the human telly you can find a secret wizards TV station. So Mr Weasley is very intrigued by the electrical box.

At about ten pm I decided to take my leave because it was now dark and I don't want to worry my parents by staying out till all hours of the night. I gave everyone a hug and Ron a quick kiss on the cheek and was on my way. I got outside and prepared myself to evaporate, I will never get used to this bit of magic it still makes my stomach churn. Not any less than a minute later I appeared in my living room.

"Hi mum,dad" they turned on the couch they were sitting on, "hey darling how was the dinner?" my mum said. I sat down beside them and told them about what we ate and what happened to Ron. My dad looked at me sadly, "sorry to hear about Ron love but at least everyone else will be there so you're not gonna be completely alone!" I thought about it and he was right I not going to mope around I mean I'll still have all of my schoolmates. "Your so right dad, im so tired so im gonna head off to bed now" I went and gave each of my parents a kiss on the cheek. "goodnight" I heard them simultaneously say as I was walking out the door towards my bedroom.

Hopping in bed was just such a nice feeling tonight, it had been such a long day. Lying in bed everything was swirling around in my mind, what was the party gonna be like, whos going to be attending and the biggest thing of all... is everyone going to get on. I mean I know the wars over but if you think it over won't there still be a bit of tension between everyone? Hopefully not, for everyone's sake....


I woke up at 6:30 am and went for my morning run, it was such a nice day. Going for my run I decided to take a different route this morning. I was jogging down this very long street when I got about three-quarters of the way down here and it just seemed way to familiar to me.

I eventually slowed down into a jog, I got a few metres forward and realised what street i was on. I'm running down the street that resides the Malfoy Manor. How did I not even ever realise we live in the same area. All this time and I never clicked on, I didn't know what I was gonna do. I mean I have haven't been near there since during the war.

I had to keep going forwards because it would take to long to turn around and go home that way. I just decided to keep on jogging and not even look to the left at the Manor. Yeah I can do that... I think. Keeping at a moderate pace I kept going and I could see the Manor's hedges coming into view. I'm not gonna lie I am freaking out. I don't know why though no one will hurt me.

I am just at the gates when I see a shirtless boy at the Manor's letterbox with bleach blonde hair. You have to be kidding me, of course Malfoy is there just when I am running past. I keep looking forwards but out of the corner of my eye I've seen that he has turned and is staring at me. I pick up my pace and run at just about full speed and when I finally reach the end of the street I collapse on the pavement.

My mind is boggling with just so many comments like: I cannot believe that just happened, I hope he didn't recognise me and I really did not want to admit that he looked really good with his top off.

By the time I got home I had made my mind forget what had just happened, I mean I do not need him on my mind at the moment and I cannot keep thinking of him shirtless I mean I have a boyfriend!

I had a shower, got dressed and headed down for breakfast. It is now 9:30 am, my parents are still in bed they sure do love their sleep ins. I got a banana from the fruit bowl and sat down and started eating while I watched a repeat of last nights news on the telly.

Half-way through my banana Ron's owl came swooping into the room and gave me a letter. I thanked Pigwidgeon and sent him on his way again. I ripped open the envelope excited to see what Ron has said. I opened the letter and read the following:


We need to talk. Come round ASAP.


I dropped the letter at this point I was a bit scared I mean just by decoding the letter you knew it was important. Just by no kisses and heaps of abrupt fullstops. I am full on worrying, I am going to The Burrow now.

I quickly apparated outside the burrow. I walked up to the door and didn't even bother knocking. There on the couch was Ron lying there staring intently at the ceiling. Great, that's so reassuring... I walked up to Ron and patted him on the shoulder and he looked up at me.

"Hey Hermione, sorry to pull you here so abruptly I just had to talk to you, I couldn't lie anymore and you really need to know..."










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