Chapter 1

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"Kookie~ah," Jin hyung says with a teasing tone. I roll my eyes before swinging my head to look at his direction. Clearly annoyed. "What?"

"Isn't that Lee Jieun, IU?" He says with a cheeky smile, pointing his weird finger to my right. Almost on instinct I look at where he is pointing. It's IU sunbae-nim, sitting down on a bench wearing earphones, scribbling down on her little blue notebook. Her hair was down and whipping around on the wind but she didn't care. She was writing. She was wearing a white dress with white sneakers and a denim jacket. She looked so pretty.

I quickly snap my head in another direction, cheeks burning up. Jin hyung coos beside me, "Oooooo, Kookie has a crush." He pokes his finger on my cheek causing me to groan and slap his finger away.

"Hyung, stop it." I plug in my earphones and start listening to our new song 'Fake Love'. I look through the pictures of Jimin hyung that I had taken for him yesterday and started editing. I bit my lip when the song ended and switched to IU's song 'Palette'. A quick glance at Jin hyung tells me that he is texting. Probably Namjoon hyung. I take that as my chance to sneak a glance at her again.

I couldn't stop the smile that tugged on my lips when I see her biting her pen, eyebrows furrowed and looking frustrated and stuck. She scribbles down something before cursing under her breath and tearing the page off. She places the crumpled ball of paper on the space beside her. She closes her eyes and tilts her head backwards, puffing out her cheeks and then releasing a breath of air. She looked so cute when she was ticked off.

I took another glance at hyung. He was still tapping away on his phone, smiling a bit. Yup, definitely talking to Namjoon hyung. I turn my gaze back on Jieun sunbae-nim and turn up the volume of her song on playing in my ears. Now, she's back to scribbling on her notebook, taking a quick sip from her almost empty water bottle.

I close my eyes for a bit. We were in the park. I was just lounging around in my room, music blasting from my speakers when Jin hyung burst in my room, unplugging my speakers without bothering to give me a heads up. He tells me to go to the park with him, I ask him to bring Jimin hyung instead but he shakes his head at me and forces me into wearing a coat and shoes. Here we are. I certainly don't regret coming with him now.

I open my eyes and she's ripping another piece of paper out of her notebook and crumpling it, once again setting it down beside the other ball of paper. She ties her hair in a braid before she goes back to writing but then someone calls her name. She looks up. I can see her face perfectly now, she looked good. She always does.

She's stuffing her notebook and pen in her bag in a hurry. She's walking away fast but the wind catches in her hair and detangles it from her braid. Her hair tie tumbles to the ground and she's about to pick it up but the person from a while ago calls her name again. She doesn't advance for her hair tie and walks towards her friend and into a car instead.

I slump back on the bench as I watch the car disappear form my view. I pull out my ear phones and fight so hard to make the blush staining my cheeks disappear because Jin hyung is looking at me, trying hard not to laugh.

"W-what?" I ask, my eyes blown wide at him.

"You were looking at Lee Jieun. You thought I didn't notice but I did and now I have a picture of your love struck face." He doesn't hold back his windshield-wiper laugh, shoulders bobbing up and down.

"Yah, stop it," I groan and lean my elbows on my knees.  My eyes snag to her forgotten hair tie still lying on the ground.

"Come on, Kookie. We need to get home, I'm going to cook some squid," Jin hyung says and starts walking towards the car.

"Yeah, just give me a second." I call out to him and quickly snatch the abandoned hair tie from the ground. I stuff it in my pocket and follow hyung to the car.

As soon as I sit down and hyung's talking to the driver, I take out the plain black hair tie.

Was I supposed to return it? What if she thinks I'm some weirdo who watched her from across the park?

IU sunbae-nim, what are you doing to me?

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