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1. Entries will be accepted by email only. Email id is Last date for entry submission is 13th July, 2014, 12 Midnight GMT.

2. All works must be original. Also no fanfictions or fanarts. Non-fiction works are preferred but fiction is also good.

3. Word limit is 1800 words. Font size: 12, font style: Times New Roman.

4. Content Rating is PG-13.

5. One person can send only one entry per category.

6. Artworks should be black and white. If the artwork is scanned, it should be scanned at 300dpi. All artworks must be signed.

7. The subject of the email should be: story/poem/artwork; title of your entry(not compulsory for artwork); your name

8. The mail body should contain: The author's bio in 75 words (tumblr, twitter, email, etc ids can be included in this); whether you already have the copyright registered of the work; places where it has previously been published (if any). After this you can add anything else you want to.

9. The entry should be sent as an attachment to the mail.

10. Acceptable file formats. For stories, poems: .doc, .docx

For artworks: .jpg, .png

Any changes made by our editing team to your entry will be first notified to you and if you approve, then the changes will be incorporated. Whether your entry is accepted or rejected will most probably be notified to you after the deadline.

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