How Did Dragon Souls Come To Be

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Me: Next chapter!

Hope you guy's like this like you did with the last one.

This story is getting good.


No One's POV

It's been two weeks since they arrived and they were enjoying it.

Stormfly, Hookfang, Windshear, and Titan Spark have taken to be guards, watching the black mist to see if anything came through and guarding the Island, which was called Night Fury Isle.

Meatlug and Heather became teachers apprentices to the little Night Furies, watching how they learned so they could do the same. They both had a soft spot for the younger ones, Meatlug with her stories and Heathers singing the children grew to love them on the first day.

Thuggory, Eret, and Dagur became fighting teachers, teaching the older Night Furies how to fight hand-to-hand and with a sword. Eret and Thuggory had picked up on some fighting skills while they were on the run and Dagur showed them how Berberskers fought and how to take them down.

Barf and Belch and Katrina were given their own little spot on a hilltop that different have any grass or trees near on Katrina request. Because she was an Alchemist, things tended to go boom. Barf and Belch wanted to be there so they became her apprentices. They were still on the basics because Katrina wanted to make sure that they didn't go around blowing stuff up.

Sharpshot became a messenger. One the first week he had most of the Island memorized. So, his job was to carry messages around the Island and deliver them. Sharpshot loved it and even counted how long it took and if he could break his records. So far, he broke 6 and his time that he wants to beat now is 2:26 minutes.

Toothless and Hiccup, well, they were the talk of the Island, much to their embarrassment and their friend's amusement. Hiccup's story was known throughout the Island and he became an Inventor and one of the Blacksmiths. Hiccup taught his skills to the other Blacksmiths, helping them improve their skills. Hiccup put his creative mind to use and was creating new things, loving the fact that people were interested. Toothless was always with Hiccup so the two are rarely seen without each other.

Not only that, Hiccup's 16th birthday was coming up in about two weeks so it gave people tons of time to think about the party and what their gonna do for the soon-to-be mate of Toothless.

Right now, Toothless and Hiccup were in their room on the couch, cuddling with Hiccup laying his head on Toothless's chest with Toothless's arms wrapped around him.

Toothless had insisted that Hiccup shared his room. Hiccup didn't feel like working on his invention today and he didn't have to go to the Blacksmiths as it was his day off. So, he was able to ask Toothless a couple questions.

"Toothless, what's the story behind the Dragon Soul," Hiccup asked.

Toothless looked down at Hiccup, a small smile on his face.

"Well, at first, there were Dragons. Not Dragon Hybrids, just Dragons. They fought against their enemies, Vikings, with their claws and teeth and fire and whatever else. Then one day, a human boy befriended a Night Fury. They worked together as one, knew what each other was thinking. The boy had a life much like yours and the Night Fury had a life much like mine. The boy was the son of a Viking Cheif and the Night Fury was a son of an Aphla. The boy was in Dragon Training, as you know, that's how they teach Viking teens to kill Hybrid. Back then, it was to kill Dragons."

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