TONY PERRY ✠ Pierce The Veil ((Cutesy))

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SUGGESTED BY: CreepyPastaGurl101

WRITER: MissCreatureDoll

EDITOR: KaseyKills

IDOL: Tony Perry

GROUP: Pierce The Veil

GENRE: Alternative Rock

TYPE: Cutesy


The sunshine was really bright today, but I didn't mind as long as the breeze stayed around. My older sister was inside, working the concessions stand at our local theater, while I walked around outside, texting on my phone. I was talking to my now ex best friend over something stupid she can't just get over!

Ugh, I'm sick of losing friends! What did I ever do wrong? I sunk down to the asphalt ground of the parking lot, laying my legs out with my back to the brick wall of the venue. It was still really early, but there was a line forming outside. My sister was my only ride, so I had to come this early.

I could hear the sounds of skate boards around the corner, but didn't pay much attention as I kept texting with pure frustration. Suddenly, something, more like someone, crashed into me and fell on my legs.

Looking up, I almost died when I saw the guitarist of the band I'm here to see. Oh my God, Tony Perry just crashed into me!

"Hey, man! You alright?" Vic's voice called from a little ways away.

"Yeah!" He replied, sitting up. "Just crashed into a pretty girl!"

My eyes widened as I heard the others giggle. "I am so sorry!" I frantically spoke as I pulled my legs back.

"Hey, I crashed into you. I'm the one that should be apologizing!" He smiled. "And I wasn't kidding when I said you were pretty."

"O-oh," I nervously laughed. "Thank you. It means a lot."

"No problem. You here for the show?"

"Yeah." I nodded as the wind blew some of my hair into my face.

"Well," He grunted as he pulled himself to his feet. "You should come back to the bus after the show so I can know more about you!"

"You seriously want to know more, about me?" I asked in utter shock.

"Yeah, like I said, you're beautiful." Tony smiled. "What's your name?"

"Sydnie." I replied.

"Alright, Sydnie, I'll see you later." He spoke throwing his board back to the ground and giving me a wink.

My cheeks burned from embarrassment and butterflies. He called me beautiful! I just forgot about all my worries, because a man that's seen a million faces called mine beautiful and pretty. I'd scream from joy if I could right now!


"I'm really nervous, though, 'cause I mean it's Tony Perry." I stressed to my sister, who couldn't have been less interested.

"Yeah, mmhm." She muttered as she rested her chin in her hand.

"Ugh, whatever. You don't care."

"Look who's catching on." She teased as she walked to grab something for a customer.

"I get it." I replied, rolling my eyes. "Guess I should go meet up with him now... He's probably wondering why I'm not there, and oh God, what if he thinks I stood him up?"

"Just go." She said with a hint of annoyance as she pointed to the door of the concession area.

I took a deep breath, then walked towards the backstage area, and outback to the buses. I'm surprised no one stopped me, because I am just a fan.

My nerves shook as I went to knock on the bus door, but it swung open just as I rose my hand. Without enough time to react, the door hit me and I fell right on my ass.

"We have to stop meeting like this." Tony giggled as he offered me a hand.

"At least we're even now. I tripped you, and now you tripped me." I laughed as he pulled me to my feet.

Tony yanked me into a hug, laughing a tad. "Come on to the bus. There's air conditioning."

I smiled, glad to get pulled out of the humidity. He was right, it felt much better!

"Well, well, well, who is this? Hm, Tony?" Jaime asked as he leaned on the wall.

"A friend." Tony sheepishly replied. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Soda?" I asked.

"Got plenty of it!" He said, turning to their small bus fridge.

He handed me a Pepsi, and the guys continued to haze him. Well, both of us.

"We all know what 'just a friend' means!" Mike laughed from the couch.

"Oh, yeah, I've had plenty of 'just friends'." Vic added.

Mike smiled. "Come on, admit it, you like her!"

Tony blushed, but didn't say anything.

"You do!" Jaime semi-shouted throughout the bus.

"Well, I mean," He mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I... Yeah."

"Yeah what?" I innocently asked, thinking there's no way he meant he liked me.

"I like you. They're right, I like you." He shyly smiled.

My eyes got big and my mouth dropped as I froze like a statue. "I-I-I... Yeah, I like you too."

"No duh." Jaime interrupted, but it somehow didn't break our cute moment.

Vic and Mike started singing the Kiss the Girl song from Little Mermaid. We laughed, then Tony leaned down and softly kissed me. He smiled as he pulled away, his eyes sparkling like mine. Holy shit, I just fell in love with Tony Perry.


Just a quickly! (no pun intended)

Thank you to CreepyPastaGurl101 for suggesting! If you guys would like to suggest, just comment telling me who you want in it and who to write it. You can ask for guest writers if you'd like :) Make sure to include which type of one-shot as well!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! 

Love you guys, 

-Meryl <#

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