Chapter 1

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Slamming my locker shut I groaned because I was late to class. I was never late to class,

Okay I lied, I was late to class once in the seventh grade I was waiting outside in the hallway for my brother Andy, he always gave me a hug before class and that day he didn't come for 4 minutes. Anyways I was woken up late because of my alarm. I'm 20 minutes late to class, even though my classes are only 40 minutes long I still had to

Show up. My class was halfway across the school so that will take a least about four minutes so I'd actually be 24 minutes late. I was walking at a fast pace until I reached my class, the door was closed so that meant when I go in the room people will look at me like a creature. I hate when people look at me. My parents are rarely home because

My dad is a surgeon and my mom is a lawyer. I usually stay home by self until at least four in the morning. My brother is the one that takes care

Of the house and me and I take care of the food an such. Ever since my brother Andrew died they just like to spend extra time out of the house. Andrew was only ten but he died in a pool he drowned.

"So nice of you to join us ms. Woods." My teacher Mr. Bing said "well anyway as I was saying you guys will be writing a report about what you enjoy doing. It will be due in two weeks and if you turn it in a day later you'll get a zero unless, you have an excuse"

The entire class erupted into a lot of 'boos' and groans. However I loved making reports and stuff because I love to do homework. Yes I LOVE to do homework and when I do it I ENJOY it. So I already knew what I was going to do for this report and it will be done tonight. I stayed quietly in my seat until the bell rang signaling that we can leave. When the bell finally rang I got up from my desk and gathered all my things. Then I headed of to my other class which is chemistry. Great, I suck at chemistry I get a C in that class. I never get C's in any subject. When I walked into my class room I spotted one of my best friends Jayden. I walked to him and slid into the bench he was currently siting on. In this school we either got desks or benched mostly benches. I hate it though because it's invading my personal bubble. Even though I sit next to my friend Jayden I still don't like it.

"Hey Ell" he smiled at me

Jayden had brown hair with hazel eyes like mine and he had a nice built body and basically the schools 'cutie' not 'hottie' but the cutie. A lot of girls throw themselves at him but he just ignores them.

"Hey jay" I smiled at him "isn't this fun being in chemistry!"

Of course to Jayden it would be fun he passes this class every time he has it. I mean I love Jayden but not his smartness. Yeah sure I'm smart to but he's smart in chemistry.

"As usual"



Okay lunch time my favorite time of the day. Today we had a choice of pizza, salad or a sandwich. I chose the salad and a yogurt for the side with some water. I'm sure you're thinking that I'm on a diet I'm not I just have to stay in fit and watch what I eat because I'm on the dance team. I'm also the captain and my friend Ashley is the co-captain.

When I got my salad and yogurt I found my way to the table where all my friends where sitting. Amelia, Jenny, Conner, Cameron, Jayden and Ashely were in a deep conversation as usual so I sat down quietly as possible so I won't interrupt them. Apparently they were debating where to go for spring break California or Maddison. I say California I live in Chicago so going to Maddison wouldn't make me happy.

"Ellie! Ellie!"

Someone was snapping there fingers at me. I looked up to see Conner. His honey eyes were looking at me questioningly like he has been asking me something which he probably was.


"California or Maddison?" he asked "I say California"

"Uh, obviously California." I said in a duh tone "My mother owns a beach house there that we never go to we can stay there. It has three bedrooms that are really big and two bathroom. We need to share the rooms though"

They all shook there head in agreement and then they started talking about all the things we can do in California until Amelia said something.

"Uh no no no no we should go to Maddison I never went there before"

"You never been to Maddison or California" Jayden stated


"California all the way"

"No Maddison"

I stood up and banged my hand on the table making everybody stop talking.

"Were going to California and that's final. There only two people who want to go to Madison and there is six of us so Amelia and Jenny you're out numbered"



M'kay well this is a new story and I hope you like it and yes I have to update my other ones but yeah. Hope you enjoy this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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