december 2017, pt.1

583 41 30


Jeongguk hurries down the hall, skidding in his socks as he scrambles to the door. Swears fall from his lips as he nearly face plants into the front door of his apartment, but he flings the door open finally and instantly his mood brightens. "Hyung!"

Taehyung stands before him, a smile on his face and Gucci bag in hand. "Hey, Gguk."

Grinning, Jeongguk encloses the remaining space between them and throws his arms around the older, hugging him tightly. "I missed you."

Taehyung just laughs, dropping his bag to hug him back. "It's only been like, a month."

"Two months. And you're still making up for seven years, remember?" Jeongguk reminds him as they separate and Taehyung steps inside, the door shutting behind them to keep the cold out. "And besides, two months is a long time." Jeongguk says as he walks off into the kitchen.

"I suppose you're right," chuckles the singer as he toes off his shoes and shrugs off his jacket. "I missed you too, though."

After the fansign back in October, Taehyung obviously had to leave as the group had packed schedules for a while, and Jeongguk and Taehyung hadn't had a chance since to see each other. Now it was the end of December, and Taehyung had a few days off. Jeongguk had only been over the moon when the elder had called him asking if it would be alright if he came and spent his break in Busan.

Taehyung makes his way into the small kitchen and smiles at the sight of the boy he loves puttering around, focused as he prepares noodles. "Sorry it's not much, you're probably used to eating food a lot nicer than store bought ramyeon, but I need to do groceries and it's all I had–"

"Jeongguk. It's fine," Taehyung interrupts, stepping close to cup the younger's face, who widens his eyes and makes an 'o' shape with his pretty pink lips. "Anything you make is good enough for me."

The ravenette blushes hard, lowering his head to hide the flush. It's hard for him to ignore the way that his heart flutters when Taehyung touches him, speaks to him in that low tone that sends shivers down his spine. Jeongguk has done a lot of thinking over the last month, and he's come to the conclusion that whatever feelings he harbours for Taehyung are useless since he'd never even be able to date him. Taehyung's an idol, he's told himself countless times when he's laid in bed unable to fall asleep without dreaming of the older male. He can have any beautiful actress or singer he wants. Why would he pick me?

So, Jeongguk just turns away, Taehyung's hand falling. "Ah, hyung," he mutters in a whiny tone as he returns to his task of making food for the two of them.

Taehyung stares at the younger, an unpleasant feeling forming in the pit of his stomach that he tries to get rid of by turning and walking back out of the kitchen, opting to wander around the apartment. This is Taehyung's first time in Jeongguk's home, and he has to admit, it's strange seeing his childhood best friend grown up, on his own, in college with a part time job, while he's spent the last four years making music and traveling the world. A part of Taehyung aches to have been a part of Jeongguk's world during those years. He wouldn't trade his life for anything, god, this is his dream, but he wishes he would have made more of an effort to reach out and reconnect with the boy who meant so much to him growing up.

Walking down the hall, there isn't much on the walls except photo frames. One is entirely filled with pictures of Jeongguk's family; one of him and his older brother when they were young, one of Jeongguk on his first two-wheel bike... It's a photo of Jeongguk's first day of school that has Taehyung cooing, reaching his hand out to lightly touch the frame. He finds a lot of himself in these photos, and it fills his heart with warmth to know that Jeongguk held onto these memories as much as he did.

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