december 2017, pt.2

571 39 26

[bit of smut in this one!!]


Taehyung is regretting not grabbing a jacket.

Really, what was he thinking, it's almost January and he's sitting in some park roughly ten minutes away from Jeongguk's apartment complex, wearing just a pair of thin track pants and a Puma pullover that's not doing much to keep him warm. He's been sitting here for about twenty minutes, finding the park after walking down the streets and going into every shop that caught his eye. He'd stopped earlier and got some noodles at a little restaurant because he was starving, and now he was just sitting, alone with his thoughts.

When he said he needed some fresh air, he didn't realize it was -10°C.

Taehyung shivers; half of him (–the cold half–) is aching to go back to the safe refuge of Jeongguk's place, but the other half (–the stubborn, prideful half–) is determined to stay put.

All he can think about is how beautiful Jeongguk looked in that moment where personal space was something never heard of; his pretty pink lips and starry eyes, gazing into Taehyung's with an emotion he couldn't quite pinpoint. He could count the eyelashes that framed the ravenette's big brown eyes, they were so close. Embarrassment rushes through him as he remembers how quickly he ran out of the apartment.

When they were younger, Taehyung always had a fondness for Jeongguk. He loved taking care of him, feeling like a second hyung to the younger boy. Jeongguk had always looked to him with such admiration and trust, too. In a way, he really took Jeongguk under his wing. He stood up for him when the younger was picked on, sometimes even taking a hit for him. In Taehyung's eyes, Jeongguk had been a little innocent boy who needed to be protected, a cardboard box left abandoned with handle with care – fragile written on the side.

Taehyung's phone buzzes in his pocket. He pulls it out to see several unread messages from the Bangtan group chat. He skims through them.

Kim Namjoon 깁남존
how's everyone's break?

Jung Hoseok 장호삭
good!! been with my family~

Min Yoongi 민윤기
say hi to your parents for me seok

Park Jimin 박지민
has anybody heard from taehyungie?

Jung Hoseok 장호삭
i will hyung!! :)

Kim Seokjin 김석진
no, he's been with jeongguk,
i'm sure he's fine

Kim Taehyung 김태형
i'm fine hyungs
don't worry about me

Kim Namjoon 깁남존
taehyung? you okay?
don't lie

Kim Taehyung 김태형

Incoming call from: Namjoonie hyung

"Hello?" Taehyung answers.

"Taehyungie, what's wrong?"

Namjoon's deep and calming voice rings through the speaker and fills Taehyung with warmth despite the frigid December air.

"I– I don't know, hyung."

"Did something happen with Jeongguk?"

"Not really. I'm just... lost." Taehyung shifts on the park bench, crossing his legs. "I have these stupid feelings for him and I don't think he feels the same but sometimes I just get my hopes up and–"

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