april 2018

634 44 27

Tokyo is alive around them, night sky illuminated by the countless colourful lights that decorate the city.

Jeongguk's hand is clasped in Taehyung's as they walk through the crowds of people. The other members of BTS follow behind, all of them disguised by a hat or face mask as they enjoy the Japanese nightlife.

"Oh, hyung, can we go in there?" Jeongguk points to a store, looking to Taehyung with wide, shining eyes, and how can Taehyung say no? So he nods, quickly turning to his hyungs to tell them of their plans, and lets his boyfriend lead him into the store.

Taehyung watches fondly as Jeongguk darts around the shop, pulling items off racks and holding them up against his body for Taehyung's opinion. He watches as the boy he loves flashes him a grin before ducking into a changeroom with a pile of clothes on his arm.

"You're way too whipped for him for your own good, you know," a voice says behind Taehyung, and he spins to see Yoongi leaning against a shelf with his arms crossed over his broad chest.

"I don't care," Taehyung replies, looking back at the fitting rooms where Jeongguk's left the changeroom to show Taehyung the outfit he's got on, a bright bunny smile on his face. Taehyung flashes him a thumbs up and Jeongguk runs back into the changeroom. "I love him."

Yoongi smiles. "I know. I'm really happy for you, Taehyungie. He's good for you." He chuckles, "You're just a bit attached, it's only been what, four months? Not even."

Taehyung hums, turning away again as Jeongguk exits the fitting rooms with a smaller pile of clothes.  "We've known each other since we were five and seven, though, hyung. It's different. We just kiss and fuck all the time now."

Yoongi's making a face and going, "Tae, gross," when Jeongguk skips back over to them.

"What's gross?" he inquires, pressing a quick kiss to Taehyung's cheek.

"You two," Yoongi mutters, and Jeongguk laughs.

"Don't act like you didn't wake up the whole hotel last night. I heard you practically screaming: 'Oh! Oh! Jimin-ah!' The bed was slamming against the wall all night. You should have told me I'd need earplugs."

Yoongi flushes redder than Taehyung's ever seen, and promptly runs out of the store in search of the other members. Taehyung and Jeongguk burst into laughter, heading over to the checkout counter where Taehyung eases them through the transaction with his Japanese.

After a few more stores, the group walks into a restaurant for a late dinner. As they eat, there's loud chatter and bad jokes courtesy of Seokjin, who defends himself saying that Jeongguk hasn't heard most of his jokes, so he has a lot of catching up to do. The others all complain, tossing food at the eldest every time he cracks a dad joke. "I'm so full," mumbles Jeongguk as he leans his head on Taehyung's shoulder, feeling bloated.

"I'm glad you're eating well," smiles Taehyung, pressing a kiss to the top of his boyfriend's head. "Are you tired? I think hyungs wanna go do some more stuff after we eat, but we can go back to the hotel if you want."

Jeongguk shakes his head, "I am, but I don't wanna stop you from having fun. I can take a taxi back myself."

"Nonsense," says Taehyung. "I've been to Japan before. Don't worry. You aren't holding me back, okay?" Jeongguk nods, and Taehyung kisses him quickly. "I love you," he tells him.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing that." Jeongguk says, smiling as he leans in for another kiss. "I love you too."

"Get a room, you two!" hollers Hoseok, hitting Taehyung in the forehead with a balled-up napkin.

"Fine, we will. Coming, Jeonggukkie?" Taehyung stands, holding out his hand.

Giggling, Jeongguk takes the hand, and, waving goodbye to their hyungs, the two of them make their way out of the restaurant and back out into the busy streets of Tokyo. Jeongguk sighs happily as they swing their interlocked hands between them, cherishing this moment as if was his last.

It's not easy dating an idol, Jeongguk's figured that much out. It takes a lot of patience and trust to put up with the weeks he sometimes has to wait to see Taehyung. But he gets by on the nightly phone calls, even when Taehyung is barely awake enough to talk. They fall asleep on the phone together sometimes. Jeongguk knows it won't be easy. Nothing worth having is ever easy. But goddamn if he hasn't waited long enough to have a love like this.

Taehyung unlocks their hotel room, and lets Jeongguk walk in first. He gasps in awe as he takes in the dimmed lights, candles flickering on the end tables, rose petals covering the white comforter.

"Tae-hyung," he whispers. "When did you do all of this?"

Taehyung steps up behind him, wrapping his arms around Jeongguk's waist and kissing his neck. "I had the housekeepers do it while we were out," he murmurs. "Happy four months, baby boy."

"Is it really?" Jeongguk wonders out loud. "I mean, I knew it was that long, but I guess I lost track of the date since we've been here."

"Mm," Taehyung hums, fingers reaching up to slide underneath the younger's shirt, lightly teasing his sensitive nipples. As expected, he gets a sharp gasp.

"Tae," he breathes, keening into the touch.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll take care of you."

And he does. Taehyung pushes Jeongguk down to lay on the petal-covered mattress, pulling off his clothes in seconds and pressing featherlight kisses all over Jeongguk's body. He sucks dark, flowering marks into the younger's neck, hips and muscular thighs, earning high whines and pleads from the sensitive boy underneath him. When Jeongguk's had enough of the teasing, he leans over to open the drawer of the end table, pulling out the lube they'd stored in there when they first checked in. They shift so that Taehyung is the one leaning against the headboard while Jeongguk is on his knees in front of him. The ravenette prepares himself carefully before sinking down onto Taehyung, tilting his head back with a moan when he's fully seated.

Taehyung fucks up into him, kissing him at every thrust. Jeongguk lets the older hold his hips and guide him as he bounces, whines and moans falling from his lips like prayers. When they come, stars swim before their eyes.

"I don't think I'll be able to walk around tomorrow after that," murmurs Jeongguk, laying on his back on the crisp sheets and catching his breath. Beside him, Taehyung smiles. Jeongguk rolls over to face him. "Clean up then cuddles?"

"Anything for my baby," says Taehyung before pressing a kiss to Jeongguk's swollen pink lips and standing to head into the ensuite bathroom. He returns with a warm cloth moments later, cleaning them up carefully and climbing back into bed.

"Random thought," Jeongguk says just when Taehyung's about to fall asleep. "You sound really hot when you speak Japanese."

"Oh, do I?" Taehyung chuckles sleepily.

"Mhm. Say something in Japanese," Jeongguk instructs as he curls up against the older's chest.

Taehyung chuckles. "Hmm, okay. Let me think." He hums, thinking of what to say, then smiles as he thinks of the perfect thing. "Kimi wa totemo utsukushii yo."

"What does that mean?" Jeongguk asks, kissing  up the column of Taehyung's throat.

"It means 'You should shut up and let me sleep.'"

Jeongguk giggles, warm breath tickling Taehyung's neck. "What does it really mean?"

Taehyung grins, kissing Jeongguk's forehead. "It means 'you're so beautiful'"

"I like that meaning better."

"Me too."

And so Taehyung falls asleep with Jeongguk in his arms, feeling like this was where he was meant to be all along.



thank you for reading!!

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