Chapter 1

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       Today is my second day of high school. My name is Beatrice Prior. Yesterday was chaotic. But today will be worse. Today is the day I choose with clique I bring in. This will decide my friends. There are the people that are selfless, Abnegation. They are always doing for others and sometimes everyone kind of forgets they're there. And I think they forget they're there sometimes too. You know the type, give up their seats at lunch, pick up dropped books. Anyways, that's kind of where I fit in in lower grades. Then there is Amity. They are very peaceful. Honestly, I'm willing to bet they do drugs based on their demeanor. Also, there is Candor. You know, the ones who snitch? Ya, that's them. Always telling the truth... The teachers favor those type. Next we have Erudite, the ones who thirst for knowledge and basically live in the library. To me, I think they're just a bunch of know it all's but that's my opinion. And because they think they're smarter than everyone, they are rude. Especially to the Abnegation kids. I don't know why though... Lastly, we have Dauntless. The rebels of high school. You know, the ones who sneak out and pull pranks on teachers and stuff like that. They live dangerously. I don't know how they are not all in jail. But there must be some thrill in the things they do if they are willing to be arrested for it.

        I will watch all five groups closely... the sophomores don't bother me, it's the juniors and seniors in each clique I'm worried about. They seem angrier. Even in the calmer cliques. The sophomores seem just as frigid about the whole idea of cliques as me and the other freshmen are... I hope the older students don't notice my anxiety...

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