Chapter 3

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A/N:: [[[RECAP--- Tris just ran into a girl, who still hasn't said her name, in the hallway on the way to join dauntless]]] Okay so I'm writing this chapter on my school bus so there might be a lot of typos (more than normal anyways) and so ya.. sorry if I say "so, um, ya" or "..." a lot.. I kind of have social issues (well I just can't really talk to people I don't know, and I don't like speaking in front of people and I'm "smart" so I have to a lot to explain stiff and I hate it) and well.. yaaa.. on with chapter!

Tris' POV:

"You zoned out didn't you? Ya I can tell. You probably don't even want to talk to me. That's fine though. But it was nice meeting you," the girl said with a smile. It was a fake one though. I can tell by the way I saw a look of hurt in her eyes for just a millisecond before she put on the fake smile.

She starts to walk away. No! I only have like two friends and one is Abnegation, Susan, and her Amity brother, Robert, and I actually did like her! Stupid social anxiety! Speak!

She gets further away yet still she is close enough to hear me, I assume, since she turned around when I managed to squeak out a small "Wait!"

It was very high pitched and sounded like someone just stepped on one of those really annoying dog toys. I'm surprised when she comes back over to me.

"What? Is there something on my butt?" The girl asks while trying to look at her own butt, dropping her Algebra 1A book in the process. But it's like she didn't even realize, because instead of picking it up, she runs about six lockers down, opens it, grabs a mirror, checks her butt, then with a look of relief, shuts the locker and comes back over to me, where I stand holding her Algebra 1A textbook.

"So what was it? I mean there was nothing on my butt. Oh! Can I see your schedule? Omg do you like shopping? Wait do you like me? Would you consi-"

"Umm wait," I say trying to clear my thoughts while she bombardes me with questions, "STOP TALKING" I say very sternly. I immediately feel bad. At least now I have her attention.

"I.. I'm Tris. What's your name?" I ask trying to hold myself together and not run away from this situation.

She gives me a slight smile then starts laughing again. What is with her?

"Oh my gosh! I'm so stupid! I've just been firing of questions and I didn't know you're name and you didn't know mine!" she says, laughing more with every word " I.. I'm Chri... Christina!"

She is laughing so hard that she stumbles over her words.

"Wait, Christina, as in Christina Johnson?" I ask her, my eyes filed with wonder.

"Umm.. ya. How did you know though?" She asks, realizing I have her book when I push it towards her.

"Umm you were head cheerleader when we were in eighth grade, and I work on the newspaper. I wrote that story about you,the one that when they were taking pictures for the story, those three guys came to ask you out and they got in a fight." I say, proud of myself for talking that much.

"Oh! That was you?"

I nod.

"Cool! So.. okay well now we know each other's names.. Oh my gosh, let me see your schedule!"

I set my bag down and dig around in it. I finally feel the small piece of paper. I hand it to her and after a couple of seconds, she squeals.

"OMG OMG! We have five classes together!" She yells... happily?

Does she actually like me?

"Well duh" I hear Christina say.

"Duh what?" I ask warily.

"You asked if I actually liked you. Yes! That's why I'm still here." She says, motioning to the spot she is standing in.

Dang it! I thought out. Hopefully that won't become a habit...

Christina looks down at her thin, sparkly, silver watch and her eyes immediately widen. She then looks around and get eyes get even wider. She gaps. I look around. We are the only ones in the hall.

"Oh my gosh... class starts in 2 minute and both of our homerooms are all the way across campus!" She shouts, while turning around to see if anyone was in the hall further down. But still, we are alone.

We look at each other and start running. So much for taking to the Dauntless.

"Tris," Christina starts, "Do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"

"Umm.. uhh.." I stammer. just got asked to sit with one of the most popular girls in school. Me! I can't believe it! "Ya!"

She laughs and nods. 

"Do you have a phone? Let me see it, I'll put my number in," she says before I hand get my phone. "I'll text you after fourth hour, right before the lunch bell and tell you where to meet me!"

"Okay! That sounds great!"

I smile. This year is going to be different. I will finally enjoy school. This thought makes me smile bigger.

We keep running. We finally get to Algebra 1A. As soon as we open the door, the bell rings. Everyone stares at us. Dang. Not the way I wanted to start this year. I wanted to blend. Even now, even when I'm determined to be Dauntless, I don't want to draw too much attention to me..

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