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♥️Michaelclifford, LunaClifford and 1,325 likes DesyraeAnna late night adventures with the favorite LunaClifford my best friend is hot ❤️Username1 Yass queens 😍😍😍Username2 wow she probably didn't care for Luke if she's out partying Michaelcliff...

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♥️Michaelclifford, LunaClifford and 1,325 likes
DesyraeAnna late night adventures with the favorite
LunaClifford my best friend is hot ❤️
Username1 Yass queens 😍😍😍
Username2 wow she probably didn't care for Luke if she's out partying
Michaelclifford username2 leave her alone you don't know her
Username3 damn he's pissed^
Username4 username2 he's right you don't know her so stop hating her for trying to live her life


Luna's POV

"Ugh come on we gotta go do something other than watch this again" Desyrae says and she lays on the ground. This is the second time we've watched grease tonight and I was getting sick of it too it reminds me too much of him. Des and I have been staying in LA for the last week cause I didn't want to be around Luke and although I was supposed to spend time with my brother it was too hard. It's hard to be cheated on. Sighing I get up and turn off the tele.
"Ok let's go somewhere"
"Hold on let me get my shoes" she yells as she runs to the room.
She comes back and we leave.
"Alright so where we headed?" I ask her.
"I dunno" she stops and pulls a funny look putting her finger on her lip trying to think. I just start laughing at her because she can be so ridiculous at times.
"What about the beach?"
" awesome let's go" I start running in the direction of it but realize it's too far so Des gets us a lyft. Soon we got to the docks just to see a party going on. There were people wearing swimsuits and just getting on the boat.
"Hey" we hear as a boy jogs up to us he looks about 19 or 20. "Hey" we say back. "Are you here for the party?"
"Uhh" "of course we are" des cuts me off. "I guess we are" I give him a small smile. "I'm Sonny"
"Luna and she's Desyrae" I point to my friend. "Cool" he smiles. We start walking to the boat and there's some people drunk and some just making out. We're finally on the boat and des pulls me towards the alcohol and hands me one. I groan not wanting to have a massive headache in the morning but drink it anyways. After a few more drinks I start to let lose. I pull Des to the dance floor and we start dancing. All of a sudden I feel someone grab me from behind and start kissing my neck. I quickly turn around. "Don't touch me" "sorry thought you would've wanted to have a good time" he smirks. "Yeah no thanks" I walk off with des somewhere else. And she looks pretty drunk where as I am just a bit tipsy cause I can handle my alcohol a bit better than hers. "Hey let's take a picture" she pulls out her phone and almost drops it as that happens someone stops to help just in case she did. I look up to see Sonny "hey do you think you can take a picture of us" des hands him her phone. "Yea sure" he gives us a smile. We pose as he takes a few. "Thank you" I tell him. "It's no problem it's not everyday I get to take photos of a beautiful girl." I start to blush a bit "you're sweet thank you."
As he's about to say something my phone starts to ring. I look to see who it is. Luke is calling shows up on my screen. I excuse myself to go and take the call. I answer the phone sighing. "What do you want?" I run my hand through my hair.
"Thank god you finally answered I've been calling you for the past few days."
"And you need to talk to me for...."
"I'm sorry for everything"
"Yea you said that tons of times now, how's mike"
"He won't talk to me either"
"Sounds like you deserve it" I don't like sounding rude but he really hurt me.
"Look I know you're at a party you should probably head home it's not safe being out at night."
"Is that what you called for to tell me what to do?" The alcohol started taking over. "I gotta go" i then hang up and ignore the rest of the calls from him. Sonny then walks up to me.
"Everything okay?"
"Yea I just need another drink." I smirk.
"Ok I think you two have had enough." Sonny laughs at me and Des as I pout crossing my arms.
"Come on let me give you guys a ride home."
"Fine" Des drags out sad that we have to leave. We start walking off the boat then Sonny leads us to his car. "Woah" Sonny says as he pull up to Michael's house. "You guys live here?" Amazed at the massive home. "It's my brother's but we're staying here for now."
"Ohh that's cool, hey we should hangout sometime" "of course" I smile and he hands me his phone to put my number in. "Well I'll see you around Sonny" I salute him. "I'll see you around Luna" he smiles. He drives off after that and Des and I walk into the house and are too tired so we pass out on the couches.

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