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There's nothing to say
Nothing on my mind today...
It's all blank.
I don't like it, not ok.

My head hurts
Full of thing, voices...
I don't like it.
They yell and scream and it gives me a headache...
It hurts and burns and I can't think straight.
Why won't it stop...

Go away!!!
Just shut up.

They tell me things...
With honesty
''You're WORTHLESS!!''
''just die already!''
''No one loves you.''
''Kill yourself, do it, who's gonna stop you!''
There true because no one has proved them wrong...

Some one help me...
Tell me why they won't go away...
I need someone.

I beg of you!!
Tell me their wrong!
Help me...

pastel okisuko. I Try My Hardest...Where stories live. Discover now