A-Are you and I... the same.. Eve??

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A/N: Hey guys, it's been a while. I'm back and I'm re-writing and uploading new stories. I'm sorry for not updating this story since..June?? I've been really busy lately. Please don't hate me. And please don't be mad if any of my latest chapters don't live up to your expectations. I've been absent for family reasons mainly. Please Enjoy!


As Yuma ran off after him, I couldn't help but stare into space, my head spinning with numerous thoughts. 'Yuma fucking asshole leaving me hanging'
"that bastard will pay"I cursed. I fixed up my clothes and walked soundlessly back to my room, I jumped at my bed, the warmth of the blankets and pillows inviting me in.
My eyes still but only slightly clouded with lust, began to feel heavier and heavier, I blushed madly thinking back to my encounter with Yuma and started drifting off to sleep. But before I could I felt a small voice whisper in my ear.

"M-miss Yuki...you looked...v-very beautiful..b-back there"

My eyes widen with shock and embarrassment I turn myself around to find the culprit and the reason for mine and Yuma's erotic moment to cease.


"A-Azusa.. what are you doing here?"  

"I-I.. wanted to...watch you sleep" He shuffles closer to me and brings me in a tight but gentle embrace.
Why does he have to be so cute?? Damn you vampires and your freakishly good looks!!

"You're cute.. when your blushing....y-you know"  He kissed my cheek and nuzzled into my neck, inhaling my scent. He frowned slightly. Yuma's scent lingered along my body like a disease. I blushed at the memory of Yuma and me, how I almost lost my virginity to him.

"A-Azusa..m-may I take a bath?"

"Hmm..it would erase Yuma's scent from your body"

"Please..hurry in there...otherwise I-I may join..Y-Yuki Chan."

"Ahh" I gasp at that comment but before I could reply to that comment he disappeared. You know, you'd expect him to be the last one to say that. Laito and Yuma being the first and most likely Kou and Shu. I walked to the bathroom with a towel in hand, and a few clothes that Ruki had given me.

"What the fuck is going on with me?? Why the fuck do I feel this way for them?? All of them??"

(Authors Note: Exactly what I was thinking when i wrote this *face palms*)

"I guess I should hurry, don't want another one barging in"

I sunk into the water, slightly jumping at the contact. I looked at all my bite marks from Yuma, I blush lightly as I grazed my hands along them. I remembered the sensation, his hot breath at my neck, his hands traveling all along my bo--"Wait!! Wait!!! What in the hell is wrong with me?"
(A/N: Everything..hehe. I-I mean...I don't know...that's a t-tough one.) I gotta get my head out of the clouds.

I lay in the tub a bit longer before getting out and putting on clothes. Surprisingly the clothes fit perfectly. Even the underwear fits... Pervert. 

                                                                                   Yuki's Clothes           

Ooh, these are quite cute. I'll admit Ruki has good taste in clothes.
(A/N: Oh you so want to bang him..  Yuki: Fuck you, Tori!! A/N: *laughs evilly* Yuki: I will fuc-A/N: Back to the story.)

I admired the clothes, granted Ruki is a pervert but...DAMN!! I look good...
I  walked out of the bathroom and wandered around the halls of the Mukami mansion, like the Sakamaki mansion, this mansion too was beautiful. 

'Sakamaki's huh?'

My mind wandered off into the clouds as I thought about the Sakamaki brothers. I miss them. 

"YAHH!!..You!!! Stop eating all the fried prawns!! You have to share y'know?!!"

Quickly, my thoughts faded as I was disrupted by the harsh voice which sounded somewhat similar to that of the hot-tempered Yuma. I didn't hear it all too well but I could tell he was pissed off and it involved Kou. I followed the sound of Yumas harsh tone all the way to the dining room. I watched as they argued on again, pretty puzzled until I saw the source of their strife. A fried prawn. 

"Hey, you jerk I totally called that one!!!"

"Yeah and the last 13 you consumed a few minutes ago..selfish little asshole"

"Hmph...Well, you know what they say, you snooze you lose"

I watch as Kou lunges for the fried prawn but ultimately fails due to his small size. Well, he wasn't that small, Yuma is just taller. 

"Oi Azusa, do you want it? you've barely eaten a thing"

"If you gave it to me then..I'd take it"

"Oi, I asked you if you wanted the prawn or not.  Well, do you want it?"

"Okay, I'll have it" 

Yuma is surprisingly caring towards his brothers. And they all get along with each other so well. That's different from the Sakamakis. 

"Hey babe, glad to see you're finally out" 

I glare at Yuma slightly, but then I quickly turned my head away after spotting the lust in his deep brown eyes. 

I sit next to Kou and marvel at the food before me, I'm guessing Ruki made this.

                                                         *Yuki's reaction to Ruki's cooking*

"Ruki, your cooking is really good"

I turn to him and notice a light blush on his cheeks. 'Cute' I thought. 

I watch as Kou and Yuma fight for the fried prawns and giggle lightly, while Ruki grumbles at their childish behavior, I patted him lightly on the back, and he immediately softened, much to my delight.

"You're all close. It's really kind of a change."  

The bickering ceased, confusing me.  I look at the mukami brothers standing up, I still remain oblivious as to why they are doing this. 

'Night school.. must be'

"We will be going to school, while you stay here with Azusa"

I look over at Azusa and blush as soon as I see his beautiful amethyst eyes.

"A day with Eve..s-sounds like fun," 

"See ya later babe" I frown at the nickname, flattered but uncalled for.

"Be careful Neko chan. Azusa can be pretty dangerous when he gets excited"


Before I could say anything, they closed the doors on me. 'Rude' I thought. He can't be dangerous, he looks too cute to be dangerous.

"Justin...Do you think I can become Adam?"

"What was that, Azusa??" 

I look to both sides of us but I don't see anyone else. And then I noticed his sleeve pulled up. 'Is that a scar?!?! He was in a hurry to put his arm down when I turned to look at him. Could it be that he names his scars and then talks to them?!'

Azusa doesn't answer my question but pulls me into his embrace. Making me blush. (Authors note: Tch..Easy)

"Eve.." Azusa lightly mutters.

"Eve..?" 'He has been calling me that for a while now, come to think of it, What's up with that?'

A-Are you and I... the same.. Eve??

What will happen to Yuki while she's alone with Azusa? Is Azusa as dangerous as Kou claims? Will Yui ever be loved?? You'll have to find out on your own.. No hate, please!!

I won't be updating for a while, for family reasons. I'm thankful for the votes and amount of reads and as soon as I am back I will update as much as I can.

Goodbye, everyone!!

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