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Beautiful pink Sakura petals dance behind her as she  stares off in distance. From the top of the hill she sat on she could clearly see the village, the village to which she was just a stranger but to see people of the same village accepted the child whole heatedly.

A single tear escapes her eyes, as she thinks about the idea that her grandma popped last night on her eighteenth birthday, the idea that Feng should go to a city to pursue her career and maybe find out who really was.

It was years ago when she somehow found her way to this village with no memories except her name and the three mantras which someone taught her, but she didn't remember who.

A pat on the shoulder brought her back to the reality, tuning around she saw her granny who was had raised and taken care of the memory-less child for so many years. She was a stranger but they took care of her as if she was their own, their in blood.

Whipping her tears, she hugged the woman, who comforted the sad child by patting her back.

"It's gonna be alright" she comforted the scared child. Though Feng was 18 now to her grandma she will always be the scared little child she first saw. When she saw her, she knew she was special someone who was destined to change the world.

After a long farewell, Feng was finally ready to leave her hometown. The town that have her everything she had now.

Though she was from a small town, her studies were never compromised with. From a young age she was taught all the knowledge given to a normal child from a city. She was a smart young lady and was given the proper education to survive the outside lands and the people that came with by the elders and the wisely of the village.

Though they were from the village that consisted of kind people they knew that people from outside weren't all like them. They had seen the world enough to know that some cruel human, who weren't even fit to be called humans existed in this world.

Standing on the single bus station, Feng looked at the people whom she called family. They were in tears bit wanting to let their innocent child go away, wanting to protect her from the harsh reality, forever if possible. But they knew she had a destiny to fulfill and they couldn't let their selfishness stop her.

The only bus that came to their village arrived, signaling that it was time to go. Time to leave her family behind and start a life of her own. Fulfilling her fate, as her grandma called it.

She was sad, not wanting to give a single f*ck about the so called fate, being a rebel that she was born to be, but if it weren't for the encouragement of her dear ones, she wouldn't have gone.

Before getting on the bus her grandma handed her a pendant chain, with pair of wing on it and a garnet stone in middle of them. It was absolutely gorgeous, Feng recognized the stone as one of the prized possessions of her grandma, whereas the white gold around it was the specialty craftsmanship of her villagers. 

Her eyes watered again, as she embraced her family once again. It was time to part, but she never wanted to part from them. As her grandma says, now they were with her. This pendant was a part of her home, to remind her that no matter what happens they will be with her. 

All the way to Beijing , Feng just stared outside the window, pondering about her future and the destiny her Grandma was so keen on. Did she know something more than Feng did, those memories she lost?

Just like that Feng crossed her village, crossed the town she used to visit sometimes, crossed roads after roads, fields after fields and even clouds after clouds, slowly sailing towards her destination or rather destiny.

Back in her hometown, as the old granny watched her child get in and go off, crying she fell down, everyone around her carried the poor lady back to her cottage.

 It had been 10 years since she saw a bright light illuminating from outside the village.Ten years since the God of fire came in her dreams to guide the child to righteousness. She knew it was the child's destiny to do something great in her coming years and it was her destiny to show that path to the child. 

But as Feng grew, her attachment to the child also grew. And with each passing moment she tried her best to change the path of the child's life. Because she knew in order to fulfill any great task one has to go through hell and she wanted to shield Feng from that hell. She tried her best but one was or another, fate always checkmated her putting Feng back on track with her destiny. 

The child was a born genius and always curious of the outside world, one day she brought a pamphlet from the bigger town nearby of a admission form for a university in Beijing.  Granny was distraught by this but she knew no one can stop Feng. Although later Feng herself realized the cost at which her dreams would be fulfilled and refused to go, Granny knew she had to be the catalyzer to push Feng towards the greater good. 

But now the reality of her doings finally set in as she realized that she was the one who pushed Feng not towards Paradise but Hell itself. She couldn't stop her tears, she just screamed for the whole night how she had sinned towards the innocent child, robbing her of the choices she could've had in her life.

 No one in the village understood what the elder was talking, but they knew the sorrow of departing from her dear granddaughter had taken a fatal toll on her aged body. The whole night the villagers didn't sleep as turn by turn they nursed the sick lady. But her fever did not subdue rather it was reaching its peek. At this moment they only wished that Feng was here, just looking at the child's face would make everyone's health back to jolly again. But she was gone and even they knew she was not coming back, even if she wanted to. 

As the nightfall hit its peek, the old Granny, peeked at the stary sky, on a normal day this would've been the fun time she would have with Feng as they ate shaved ice and gazed at the night sky. But today was different, Granny knew her own destiny was fulfilled and now their was no reason for her to be alive. If she was not going to be with Feng in this form then shes going to be with her in her next one. With that slowly her eyelids felt heavy as she closed them, till the end thinking about her beloved granddaughter. 


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