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With a sudden  grasp Feng took in as much oxygen she could as her eyelids opened. The sudden light made her squint a bit but soon she got used to the brightness. Getting up she found herself on the side of a brook, the one she didn't realize was there in her campus. Surely she was surrounded by greenery yet it somehow felt different than the one she was used seeing. It felt more natural than the artificial thing she was used to seeing in the city. 

Slowly getting up, she examined her surrounding and as she anticipated she was in a new surrounding. Being in the university for almost six month she had mastered the whole area, especially the isolated ones. But she was not in her campus, first of all their was no way on earth a brook in the campus. But when she looked up, it was as if the world had been turned up side down, literally, cox in the sky swam fishes of all kinds, even the kind which were supposed to be exitict. 

Is it a dream?

Am I dead?

Is this heaven?

"It's not heaven if you are thinking so" a voice broke her out of her thoughts. She looked at the source to find no one there but only a shadow moving away from her deeper in the forest. Instantly to ease her curiosity she ran after the stiletto of a man. Huffing puffing she ran deeper and deeper only to come at an abrupt stop and find nothing. Nada, the man was no where but only greenery surrounded her. 

She knelled catching her breath, making the logic do it's working as her brain stormed to find answers. Something clicked in her head as she reached to touch the vein on her neck and a sigh of relief consumed her when she could still feel the pulse pumping. One thing was confirmed she was alive, for sure. But it sure was not earth, sure she could've been hallucinating when she saw what was in the sky...she looked up and yup the fishes were still there. A sob escaped her lips as she curled up in a ball when suddenly she heard rustling of leaf. 

Alert she looked up as slowly her hand reached for a rock besides her to act as a weapon. The bushes ruffled even more and Feng was ready to attack whatever creature it was when suddenly a human head popes out. Her eyes widen with happiness as she saw a human head come out, but it soon changed 180 degree when the human figure revealed to have ears attached to his head like an animal. 

"What on earth-" but before she could finish sudden fatigue from before caught on and she slowly slummed back to darkness. 

Groaning she opened her eyes to only come face to face with the weird human animal creature from before. A scream escaped her lips as she hurriedly scooted away from him. The creature also screamed as an elderly human with ears on top entered. 

"Oh my, I'm sorry for my son's behaviour." she apologized. 

It can speak? she thought looking at her with curious eyes. 

As if reading her thoughts the elderly woman chuckled a bit and eased Feng's curious look by saying, "Yes I can speak. Come I'll answer all your questions." She handed Feng a cup filled with water. Cautiously taking the cup, Feng noticed how they not only had animal ears but also a tail attached to their back. 

The lady sat infront of her and started speaking, "Now you put be shocked as to where you are, first of all don't worry you are not dead, but you aren't alive either. This place is called Paradise." When Feng finished her glass, the lady took her hand and took her outside. "Paradise exists above Earth and controls all the natural life form on Earth." Bewildered she looked at the scenery outside, sure in just one glance it looked like Earth but if looked closely it was much different. Cox there existed life forms which you could never find on Earth. And then there was the sky, or more like the sea container of numerous fishes flying ..no swimming. 

"This" she continued pointing at the sky, "Is the water kingdom, and that's why there are fishes in the sky."

Feng turned to look at the woman who suddenly went silent,"ok ..and?" 

"Well unlike Earth Paradise has rules. It is run by the Emperor with each kingdom ruled by a God. there are four kingdoms, water, earth, air and fire. In Paradise a hierarchy is followed, with the Emperor on top then the Gods then the royalties, noblemen, commoners, servants and slaves. I'm a servant and you.." she looked at Feng with pitiful eyes. 

"What?!" Feng demanded, hating that look she was giving her. 

"You are a slave sacrificed to this world." 

"What?!!" shock ran throughout her body. 

"I'm supposed to take care of you till then." 

"Till when?" with furrowed brows she looked at the woman. 

Sighing she looked down and said "Just one advise dear, never break a rule, cox in this world it means death of us." 

As soon as she said that two men appeared behind Feng dragging her away. 

The woman murmured still not able to look at the struggling child, "Although I said Paradise, this place is no better than hell." 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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