131 4 34

In this chapter I use American statistics only
We're only around halfway through the year and we already mourn Santa Fe, Parkland, Great mills, Huffman, and Marshall county,

Im strictly including cases in high schools where there was death.

Added up together there are 31 people who will never go home again.

26 of these victims were children.

Children who went to school and never came out.

We need action now

I'm not proposing banning guns because that'll be extremely counter productive but where are the guards?

How are these people able to walk in with a gun and kill so many?

And I'm only talking about schools

You know how many people were killed in shootings in 2014-2017? 56,755

With 1,333 mass shootings in that time.

While gun control isn't the only measure we should take it's an important one we need.

While I do believe it's a right there are multiple people who own guns who shouldn't and we need intervention.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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