Chapter 20 - She needs to be strong for her friends

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Sam had her knees to her chest, her arms wrapped around them. She was watching from the hill. She was watching the fire. The fire that once was the Master. She shed no tears. She cried so much for him already. The Doctor down the hill also didn’t cry, but he defiantly handled the Master’s death easier than Sam. He turned around and looked up at her, as she looked down at him. Realization crossed over his face.

“Your…Sam? The one I keep forgetting?” She nodded as he made his way to her.

“I recognized your companions from New New York, and Martha recognized you. The Captain knows you to.” He told her once he reached her.

“So we haven’t done Midnight yet?” She questioned and he frowned.

“Guess not then. Have you done the Library yet? My companions were there.” He frowned.  

“Eish, you’re young then. And there’s no way we did Demons Run yet.” She said and he held out his hand. She took it and he pulled her onto her feet. They walked away from the sight and up another hill where both TARDISes were. The blue police box, still banged up from turning into a paradox machine. Sam’s TARDIS was disguised as a boulder with an invisible door in it.

“We should travel together, that way I won’t forget.” He said looking at her. She scoffed and chuckled. He raised an eyebrow.

“You’re serious? Look I’m sorry, but you’re the Doctor. The man most wanted across the universe and the man where dangerous follows. I can’t do that. You saw it, didn’t you? An entire year which I was held captive by humans. They didn’t even have guns! I can’t do anything.” She said, raising her shoulders.

“That’s not true.” He tried to convince her. She scoffed.

“Please. I could do nothing for the Master.” She said, looking back at the flames.

“Before he died, he told you something. A lot of things. What was it?” She shook her head.

“He told me things which he learned over the years. Things he’d never tell anybody else. Things about me.” Sam said, looking down.

“I can’t tell you, I’m sorry.” He shook his head.

“I understand.” Sam then looked back to him.

“What are you going to do?” She asked him.

“About what?”

“About me.” She said and he sighed.

“Don’t know yet. We first need to figure out why it’s happening and how.” He told her and she nodded.

“Make it two investigations.” She chuckled and walked to his TARDIS, he followed. He opened the door and she entered, looking around. Martha and Jack were standing against the railing.

“A lot different than mine. Yours is more…corral?” She asked and he nodded.

“Can I get a paper and pen?” She asked him and he nodded, going to find some. He came back and handed it to her. She thanked him and scribbled het same number onto the paper as she gave Jack. But she added a little message.

In case of emergency, call this number. She is an ally, a Time Lord you keep forgetting. Remember.

She gave it back to him and he chuckled.

“Alright then.” He said and smiled. She walked to him and pulled him into a hug, surprising him. He hugged her back and she took a step back.

“I’ll see you again, stranger. Better not forget me.” He chuckled.    

“I’ll try.” He said with a smile. Sam then turned to Martha and pulled her into a hug.

“I know you’re probably not staying with him long, but would you mind telling him about me?” She chuckled when they pulled away.

“Sure.” Then she turned to Jack and he pulled her into a hug. She chuckled and pulled away.

“And you better tell that Ianto I’m going to come and steal more of his food.” He laughed.

“I’ll tell him to be expecting it.” She nodded and walked to the door. She gave the TARDIS one look before exiting and walking to her own TARDIS. It took a while to find the door in the boulder but entered. All of her companions were standing around the console, still wearing the black uniforms with the bullet proof vest and all. She smiled at them sadly.   

“I am truly sorry. I-.” She started but was cut off.

“We already told you it’s fine, Sam.” Roni said and Sam smiled.

“Come here.” She said and they all got into a group hug, Vincent protesting but Sam hooked him around the neck, Allen on the other side.

“You guys are honestly the best friends un the universe. I couldn’t be any more proud of you guys. I’m so glad we’re bonded together.” Something flashed across their faces and they all looked down.

“What’s wrong?” She asked them as they all stepped away from her.

“We need to tell you something, mistress.” She frowned and nodded.

“Go on then.” She told them.

“When we finally managed to get out of the TARDIS, the alley way was full of the spheres. I guess they knew something powerful was there.” Allen started.

“We fought them, but there were to many. We couldn’t stop it from happening. We tried, we fought and we tried to run, mistress.” Owen said.

“But it still happened, and we’re ashamed we were so weak.” Roni said.   

“What happened? Just tell me.” Sam ordered. No one made any attempts to speak. Vincent rolled his eyes.

“Owen and Toby died.” He said and Sam’s eyes widened in fear.


Next chapter is the last of this book!

Soldier (Doctor Who FanFiction, First Book, Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now