Chapter 14 - She is cursed to roam the stars

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Everyone was asleep, except for Sam. She had an eerie feeling ever since they went to Midnight, and the Face of Boe’s death yesterday didn’t help. She couldn’t fall asleep so she decided to get some fresh air, but since the TARDIS was just floating around in space, she had to pilot it herself. This time she remembered putting the breaks off to not make any sound. She set it for 21st century London. She was planning on going to a café to just…clear her mind. She left a note on the console for them before exiting the TARDIS. The TARDIS looked like a door on the side of the café. It was night time on Earth. She walked around to the front and entered. She went to a circular table in the back and sat down. A waiter came over to her.

“Can I get you anything, sweetie?” The waiter asked with a friendly smile.

“Uh, yes please. A cappuccino with cream and a blueberry muffin.” She nodded and hurried away to get her order. Sam sat back and started thinking. The Face of Boe send her a message but it went wrong and arrived to early. That means that she meets him in the future. From the sound of how he talked and because he knew he was dying and wanted her there, they were close friends. At Midnight she encountered one of the last Tekralamaq, but not only that. Something else, something new. Something that could exist under extreme causes, and it may have something to do with Midnight’s lost history. Who build the resort there? And how did they do it? The builders, they must’ve been able to live those extreme causes, for who else can they build? There aren’t any suits or any elements used to make robots that can within stand X-Toxin. She meets the Doctor at New New York, yesterday, but that is early in his lifespan. Where Sam met him at Midnight, he should have remembered her. When she met him at Demons Run, he should have remembered her. It’s almost like the old Silence, forget about them when you look away, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. More like forget about them when they’re not present. That has never happened to Sam before, so she can’t explain it.     

“Here you go.” The waiter came back, but this time with an indifferent expression that Sam didn’t realize.

“Thank you.” Sam said before she walked away. Sam had the sudden idea to try something new. She took a piece of the muffin and tore it before dipping it into the cappuccino and eating it. It didn’t taste as bad as she thought it would, but didn’t do it again. She ate the muffin by tearing pieces off. When she finished the cappuccino she paid and left. She took a deep breath and decided what to do next. She felt a lot more tired than before so she went back around the corner to the door. However she fell onto the ground before she could make it. Her eye lids felt heavy and not soon afterwards, the darkness greeted her.

She woke up with a start, sweat rolling down her face. She looked to see she was in a small cell made out of rock. There was a simple bed attached to the wall and holes in the glass doors. When she looked up she saw a man leaning against the glass doors. What stood out about him was his captain’s jacket.

“Who are you? Where am I? What happened to me?” She asked in one go.

“Wo wo, patients. I am Captain Jack Harkness. You are in TORCHWOOD. We put a sleeping pill into your muffin.” He said and she frowned.

“Why would you do that?” She asked.

“Well there was sudden alien activity and we had to investigate. We found you were the source so we caught you and brought you in for questioning.” He said, getting down to business. Sam slid down the wall and stared at him.

“I’m not going to deny being an alien, ‘cuz I am. But I have to make a few demands of my own before I talk.” She said and he frowned.

“And what would that be?” He asked.

Soldier (Doctor Who FanFiction, First Book, Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now