broken stars

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Riverdelt village countable people lived there happily,it was so unfortunate most the houses catched fire, lucu's  ones only survived two sisters from Lucu's family .Hayley and her little sister Emma, they scene was the most disastrous ever happened in their life. The two sisters decided to start a journey to Bavryhills though they knew no one outside from their village, time passed and Hayley didn't realised her talkative sister isn't making a sound

             HAYLEY POV :

I can't put in words how tiresome and restless we are isn't a joke one to foot for almost 200km, life is so tricky now the table has turned on us, we along our journey. Its now getting late and dark the road seems to be so Scarry ,all I could do is to keep my faith and hope strong , my late grandmother words clicked my mind "religious things" so as to confuse the spirit, we felt relieved on seeing a car from a distance, with no more words all I can say the owner is extra rich and type of the car I bet its Lamborghini, the passed in a speed leaving our hairs and the example of a cloth we had on flying.

Emma whistled as the car driver responded, Emma isn't That less for her being a village girl Shaffer. I knocked the car window as the person drops it .It was man with brown curly hair, blue eyes and dressed officially
"Hey young girl what are you doing here at this hour, he exclaimed  as  his fingers running through his hair Get in I will drop you where you want" The man didn't bothered on the kind of rags we Wear and why in the earth would we be dangerous place. Sure enough he showed a conspicuous bravery. Straching my body I was literally shocked and half way surprised to see myself,my precious body on a luxurious comfort bed ,but their some questions knocking my mind   Emma getting myself out from the bed he came in, "man where is my sister Emma, I shouted at him forgetting what he did for us" " relax girl your sister is still a sleep" I'm Mr black, I stand for the right of the people he drilled" now am here to ask who the hell you are?? "

Mr black, people change for two reasons either their mind have opened or their heart is broken, my sister and I changed in both cases, we have lost all our beloved ones. Friends and families, having felony on your record isn't a the best way to start a new life " Hayley its okay you can live here so long you ain't  lying of your Mysterious past event, I will be responsible for you and your sisters comfort, Emma will start school tomorrow , one more thing my son Neon is landing today from Lesotho hope you will find him Good,  you will star jobbing tomorrow at my company

Villa-barry hills

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