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Once Cordelia had made the decision to come out to the world about the coven, girls gifted with powers from all around the world came to the academy. It was overwhelming for those who remained after the seven wonders, especially Cordelia. Her mother died after she reigned supreme, Myrtle was gone, but most heartbreaking to Cordelia was that her dear lover, Misty Day failed the seven wonders and did not make it back from hell.

She would wake up crying from dreams she had of her poor Misty. The supreme would try to save her, but Misty would disappear before she even did anything. Zoe was very supporting with Cordelia's grief. When Cordelia would wake up screaming from that reoccuring, haunting dream, Zoe would be right there to help Cordelia. Zoe was basically like a daughter to Cordelia as she's never had her own children.

Another sleepless night, for the supreme. Cordelia woke up sobbing Misty's name.

Zoe woke up and ran into Cordelia's room. "Misty! Misty, please come back to me!" Zoe got on the bed and hugged the crying woman tight. "She's gone Miss Cordelia. Shhh... she's gone." Cordelia sniffled as she released from the hug. "I'm sorry I woke you Zoe. I'm such a mess." Zoe smiled. "It's alright..." There was silence between the two for a slight moment. "Miss Cordelia?" Cordelia looked up to the girl. "Yes." Zoe gulped. "Misty told me to look after you when she umm... left." A tear slipped down Cordelia's cheek. "She knew?" Her voice cracked. Zoe nodded. "She never told me how she knew." All she said was,

When I'm gone, watch Cordelia fer me an' make sure she knows I love er' and that I've finally found my tribe.

Cordelia's mouth was wide open. "She could've warned me, Zoe. Why didn't she? She could be with me right now!" Zoe hugged her mother-like supreme once again. "I'm sorry Miss Cordelia." Zoe sat there for ten more minutes comforting Cordelia until she passed out from crying too much.

It was the next morning. Cordelia was in her office after a quick shower and grabbing some breakfast.

She was finishing off some paper work for a few new girls, Lisa, Cecilia, and Torie. The supreme let out a sigh as she sat back into her chair. The dirty blonde took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes before staring at the ceiling.

Cordelia sat on her bed and watched as Misty twirled to Rhiannon. The blonde walks over to the supreme and grabs her hands. "Come on! Dance with me Delia!" Misty said. Her blue hues sparkled from the moonlight stalking us through the curtains. "You know I can't dance honey." Misty laughed. "I can teach ya Dee." Cordelia smiled and got up to join her lover. "It's easy. Just follow me okay." The shorter of the two nodded. A bit over a minute had gone by. "See ya already got the hang of it!" The two were now dancing together. Misty grabbed Cordelia's hands and pulled her close. The blue eyed swamp witch twirled the brown eyed supreme and then kissed her. "I love ya Dee."

"I love you too Mist."

"Miss Cordelia!" Queenie said gaining the supreme's attention. "Yes... umm... sorry." Cordelia said looking at her empty hands and closing them. "The new girls are here." Cordelia nodded. "Okay. Bring them in in five." Queenie smiled and closed the office door.

Cordelia started to breathe heavy and shake. She opened her desk drawer and grabbed her medicine. She poured a few in her hands and took them with a drink of water. The pill bottle was returned into its place. Cordelia took a deep breath before the three new witches walked in. "Hello." Cordelia said smiling and putting her glasses back on. The three new comers smiled and said hello back. "So who do I start with?" The trio looked at eachother. "I'll go first." The girl in the on the left said. "I'm Lisa Bridge. I'm here because I burned my teacher to a crisp. And I'm fifteen years old. "Hmmm. Pretty spooky kid. The girl on the far right said. "And your name is?" Cordelia said averting her gaze to the lavender hair dyed girl. "Name's Torie Louvey. I'm nineteen and I'm here because I threw a knife at my mother with my mind. At least that's what that bitch says." Torie reminded Cordelia of Madison. "You two seem pretty dangerous and in need of help to control your powers. We can help you two. Not only to control your powers, but to find new ones as well." "Glad I'm here then." Lisa said making herself more comfortable in the chair. "And your name is?" Cordelia asked the girl in the middle. "My name is Cecilia, Cecilia Walker. I am seventeen years old and I'm here because I can communicate with the past." Cordelia's brows raised. "I know... it's weird. But it's been pretty useful for some school projects." Cordelia nodded. "Can you describe how you talk with the past?" Cecilia shrugged. "I mean I can give you an example. If you want?" "Go ahead." The supreme said.

Cecilia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Ad praeteritum." The office lights flickered as Cecilia spoke jibberish. And then she spoke.

"You're missing someone. Someone who means a lot to you. Is it... Misty?" Cordelia gulped as she held in her tears. "She put something together for you... in a box. Letters most likely." Cordelia looked at the girl intrigued by her ability. "Where is the box?" Cecilia's eyes opened. "SWAMP! They're in a swamp house." Cecilia looked up at Cordelia as her nose began to bleed. "Thank you so much." Cecilia nodded.

Cordelia led the three to a new add on to the academy. "Here are your rooms." Cecilia, Torie, and Lisa had rooms right next to eachother. "Make some friends. Don't ever feel left out on anything. Feel like you belong because you truly do. This is anyone's tribe. As long as you want it to be." Cordelia smiled at the three girls. "I will see you three later. If you have any questions ask me or the others and don't be afraid."

Cordelia walked away and the girls went into their rooms.

Later that night, Cordelia couldn't sleep again. Not because of the dream but because of what Cecilia did. Cordelia's wonders were killing her. What did Misty put in that box. And why?

Cordelia sat up and put on her coat and shoes before grabbing her keys. Before Cordelia left, she wrote a note for in the morning so Zoe would know why she was gone.

It was cold outside. Cordelia could see the warm air exiting her mouth into the icey weather. She got into the car and cranked it awaiting for the heater to warm up before leaving. Five minutes passed and the heaters had warmed up the entire car. Cordelia drove off to the swamp.

The supreme had arrived to Misty's lovely untouched swamp home. Cordelia smiled as she spotted the marked tree with hers and Misty's initials on it. She opened the door and went inside. It was bizarre. It was warm inside,almost as if someone had been living there. But in clear view, there was no one in sight.

Cordelia put her hand up and closed her eyes. "Where is it?" After around ten seconds, a box comes sliding towards Cordelia.

Cecilia was right.

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