Ever had one of those funny questions about life?
The following are some of the ones I or you (also) discovered however, I know there's more because that's, well... LIFE.
So check out some of those...
When butterflies get upset or nervous, what do they get in their stomachs?
They make bullet proof vests, why not bullet proof pants?
Is there any difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny?
If it only takes one match to start a forest fire, why on earth does it take me a whole box of matches and a can of lighter fluid to light the grill?
How do you know when pickles or sour cream has gone bad?
Is it really possible to change the direction of a bowling ball by waving your hands?
There's senior citizens, so why aren't there junior citizens?
They say laughter is the best medicine - so who came up with the phrase, "I died laughing"?
If it's called lipstick, why is it always coming off?
Who's idea was it to make the word abbreviation so long?
And there's a lot more, more funny questions about life not listed here.
And, thanks for wasting a few minutes of your life pondering these funny questions of life.