Meeting Him

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CaptianSparklez and BajanCanadian, well of course I did't know this back then but before I tell you the rest of the story I need to tell you how I look. I have Auburn hair, hazel eyes, fair skin and I also have 2 more powers that I figured out my self and they are Wishing and Shape Shifting. For my wings they are sparkly blue, my tail is a coral pink and orange, my fur color is a brownish color, and my wand is the most power full and blue. Oh and I'm really flexible.

So on the second day there I was on the roof and I saw the guy next door doing a back handspring and back-flips and front-flips and all that crap. And sense I have eyes like an owl could see him playing minecraft. So on the 3rd day there I went over there and knoked on the door. When he answered the I could tell it was love at first sight. "Hello" he said. "Hi" I said. "My name is Aleasa, Aleasa Smith, whats yours?" "Jordan, Jordan Maron" he said.

Hello my mini geeks could I get 10 views? I'll update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rememer to tell your freinds!!!!!!!!!!!

To see the house she lives in go here,d.cWc&psig=AFQjCNGhXY687R-CJyQRa93xluTPSUDzyQ&ust=1405385168984413

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