Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Katou's POV

It was the early hours of the morning and I'd just woken...

I was in my bed with my Zoro wrapped around me tightly.

This is what morphine feels like right?

I looked in the mirror next to my bed where you could Zoro and I clearly...

He usually has a scowl on his face sleeping but he looks peaceful now, I wonder why?

Despite not being able to move I quiet like this.

Our heartbeats and breathing were synchronised together.

Suddenly I heard the door open slowly, not being able to move I just shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

I smelt the musky seductive tones of tobacco... Damn...

Only Sanji can make smoking sexy.

That's my brother for you...

"Huh, my intuition was right... He looks like he's suffocating her... But he has clothes on... That's good..."

"Maybe they really do love each other... I guess I just wouldn't have thought my sister would fall in love so young... And with a swordsman... A stupid marimo swordsman that doesn't deserve her."

Ouch... More like he doesn't deserve me, I'm the one who one is the worlds most mentally scarred smurf.

"Not much I can do... I guess I have to make sure he marries her, so he really won't let her go. I want proof of it a signed registry marriage contract..."

Oh dear swords...

He left after that humming to himself.

"Taida (lazy) marimo... You awake."

"I am now." "Gomenasai..." I sighed leaning further into him.
"Your not sorry, you don't need to be either..." He nuzzled his face into my hair.

"If I woke up everyday like this I wouldn't mind... And I love sleep." "You, me and sleep should buy a house together and live happily ever after..." I laughed slightly.
"Sure, but sleeps not invited." He said through my hair. "We're pirates dumb ass, we don't need a house we have a ship." I stated correctly.

"With long nights, waves rocking the boat..." He ran his hand down my arm.
"Hentai baka..." I mummer going red at the idea.
"Turn around." "Take off your shirt." I countered turning around still in his embrace, to face him.

Yay, he took away his shirt.

His face seemed soft and loving...

"Who are you and what have you done with my Zoro?" "Hi, my names Zoro 2.0 don't you recall painting me?" I laughed and slapped his face playfully.

He kissed my temple slowly and I put my arms around his neck tightening him in place.

He moved down the side of my cheek brushing his lips across my face lightly then kissing me roughly on the lips.

He brought me even closer so no space was left between us, resting his hands on the small of my back.

I gaped at the closeness of our bodies... Being this close to his chest feels like a shock wave of energy is going through to him.

He crushed my chest against his and I groaned in pleasure.

There's something about him doing that... I just don't know...

He gave me one last passionate kiss and moved away jumping out of bed.

"That was so against the rules!" I pouted and he laughed at me.
"C'mon I'm hungry." "Yeah me too..." I grumbled throwing his shirt at him.
"Does that have some double meaning?" He smirked and walked out.

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