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Time seemed like it was going in slow motion recently for Thomas. Every day was blurring together as he went through his routine:

Get up.

Go to Work.


Sure there was eating and a few other mundane activities thrown in there and of course he bickered with Hamilton as usual.

But he was just so very bored.

He'd always had James around to break his day up and make him smile, but, unfortunately James was on Holiday right now visiting his family in England. Thomas would have gone as well but he did not have enough holiday days left over, Madison got more than him because he occasionally worked weekends.

It'd only been just over five days since James had gotten on his flight and at first Thomas had been glad of some 'me-time' (James didn't like it when he listened to his music loudly or when he ate macaroni for every meal) but now, he missed his other half so much he could feel the consistent ache in his chest.

He understood that James was busy with his family and the time difference didn't help but he missed him so much and the few Snapchats or Facebook messages he got each day only made him want more of his Jemmy.

It was Thursday, James was due to come home around lunch time on Saturday. Not much longer to go now, but it felt like an eternity.

Thomas had got no work done today at all. He'd sorted through some post, ended up reading some junk mail out of sheer boredom. He started at the words on his computer screen blankly, willing he information to go in his head but it just want happening.

He pushed his chair back from his desk and swung it gently from side to side as he frowned up at the ceiling. His office felt too stuffy and cramped today,and the picture of him and James on his desk was only making him feel worse- he needed to get out.

He got an hour for lunch. So he figured he might as well use it and take a walk to clear his head. He looked at his phone as was pleased to see a short and sweet text from James.

From: Jemmy-bean<3

Received: 11:45

Text: Going out for dinner with mom and dad now, don't forget to have your lunch. Love you. Xx

To: Jemmy-bean<3

Sent: 11:46

Text: Just leaving now! Have fun, don't drink too much wine ;) love you too!! xxxxxxx

James texted back a wine glass, blushing face and a heart Emoji.

Thomas felt his heart swell as his lips curled up in a warm smile as he texted back two kissing faces and sparkly hearts.

The loving feeling that had washed over him left almost as quick as it came. He locked his phone with a sigh and put it in his jacket pocket. He powered his computer down and left his office locking the door behind him (in-case Hamilton felt like pranking him today- he was not in the mood).


The weather had been so perfect recently, brilliant sunshine and a calming cool breeze. But Thomas hadn't felt the want to enjoy the season with out his other half.

He desperately wanted to stop feeling sorry for himself. He thought that maybe some caffeine would give him the little kick he needs.

He continued walking down the street and stopped outside a little cafe that looked pretty empty, this should do pretty nicely. He thought he'd buy the strongest most extravagant coffee he possibly could order- he needed to treat himself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2018 ⏰

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