Part 1: Alexander Hamilton

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Jefferson had a bad habit.

That habit was pissing people off for his own amusement.

He couldn't help it! He was born with a naturally sarcastic disposition and he often found that he'd upset people before he even processed what he'd said. He got away with it most of the time. Some people would just frown at him and walk off. Others try desperately to make an even sharper comeback (they never succeed and always end up looking more foolish). Jefferson even remembers a few occasions where he'd made people cry, he did feel bad about those few.

Of course the issue with annoying people is that they will eventually rise up and get their own back.

On this particular occasion Thomas found himself stranded at his office desk. Because someone thought it would be funny to steal his cane. Had this happened any other day he could have at least have gotten himself home- he usually had his emergency pain medication with him. But as luck would have it he'd changed bags over this morning in a last minute decision before work (he felt more like wearing fuchsia than magenta today).

So he was stranded at his desk until one of two things occurred:

1. He grit his teeth and limped out of the office and all the way home.
2. He welled up the courage to call the only person he trusted enough to admit how much trouble his leg was causing him: James Madison.

Obviously the better option is number two. Clearly that's what he should be doing right now.

But he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

Madison had only just gotten over the flu. Today was his first day back at work, he was sure to be stressed out and overwhelmed. He didn't need Thomas adding more things to his probably never ending list of things to do.

So, it looked like option number one was the only way he was getting out of this. It was already past office hours and almost everyone had gone home for the day. All that remained where the cleaners and a couple of people who were behind with their work.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad?

Jefferson stood and then slowly stretched out his leg- it was always stiff after being sat down for so long.

Not bad so far.

Now here came the test.

Thomas gently started to put his weight on to his right leg. He made it pretty far before the usual prang of pain shot up from the base of his heel- up his calf and through he rest of his body. He hunched his shoulders as he sucked in a sharp breath "Oh fuck me." he grunted.

"At least take me for a drink first." a familiar voice said dryly from the doorway of his office. Thomas's head snapped up to look at the owner, though he already had a feeling he knew who it was- possibly the last person he wanted to see right now.

Alexander Hamilton.

"Go away Hamilton." He he said venomously. He really wasn't in the mood for this right now, his current predicament agitating him to no end.

"Whoa there! Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed today or what?" he laughed.

Thomas didn't reply, this was a pain he hadn't felt in quite some time- the feeling flooding over him had been quite a shock to the system.

"Jefferson?" Alex called out tentatively, he'd never known Thomas to not have a snarky come back- that's what made him enjoy their love/hate friendship so much. Alexander was almost (dare he say it) concerned for his rival.

"Piss off." Thomas glared.

"That's no way to talk to your fellow college." Alex laughed nervously and walked towards Thomas.

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