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"oh god, it's too late to turn back. there's nothing that can change this. there's nothing i can do now."
esma opened the door of the large studio opening. it was beautiful, it was more than she could've ever dreamed of. the television didn't give studio 8h justice whatsoever. just as she was beginning to shake her nerves, lorne micheals walked in. her heart started pounding in her eardrums, but she kept it cool and shook his hand.
"it's so nice to finally meet you, ms.stewart," he smiled, sitting down in an audience chair and patting the seat next to him.
"it's so nice to meet you too, sir! i'm so happy to be considered for the job," she said, grinning ear-to-ear. it had been a long time since she's had a shot at success.
"well your interview went very well, i was just surprised to see that you applied for intern.."
esma knew what he was talking about, but she didn't want to seem to confident. so she simply cocked her brow and gave him a look of confusion.
"i mean, i saw some of the sketches you submitted for fun and i was very impressed. i believe you could be a great part of our writing team. i actually would like to use one of your sketches in the next month or so. the pool boy sketch, i believe."
"really? that's one of my personal favorites." she gushed, hands in her lap as her knees bounced with nerves.
"so what do you say? wanna join the team?" lorne asked her, smiling at her as if she were his grandchild.
"yes sir, i would be honored!" she nodded, standing to shake his hand again.
instead, he pulled her in for a hug, patting her on the back as a way to say "congrats, kid".
"i can't wait to see what you'll accomplish here, esma."
she nodded in response, her smile still sitting strong.
"the writers room is right down that hallway. the cast are in there right now so you can visit them and hang out.
congratulations again, esma."
she followed to where he pointed, her nerves beginning to clog her mind. "what if they don't like me?" "what if we don't have chemistry?" "what if they just ignore me?" she wondered.
her body felt as though it wasn't hers as she turned the doorknob. her soul felt as if it was in another body.
however, as soon as she opened the door, she felt home. she quietly slipped inside while a few of the members smiled at her. the others stopped their conversations and smiled as well.
kate was the first to stand.
"hi! are you the new intern?" she asked politely, shaking esma's hand.
"well, i was supposed to be, but lorne wants me as a writer." she gushed, her happiness too hard to keep in.
"oh really? that's fantastic! congratulations!" kate seemed genuinely happy that esma was on the team, helping to reassure esma that things would be okay.
"if you want, you can sit next to me and do introductions and such." she smiled and sat back down, esma taking her seat next to her.
"so esma, are you a new york native?" beck asked, leaning over the table as he spoke.
"well, i've lived here for thirteen years, but before that i lived in the philippines." she smiled, taking off her jean jacket and setting it on the back of her chair.
"that's so cool, what was it like?" pete asked, a goofy smile on his face.
esma forgot how to breathe. her heart faltered and her cheeks blushed, her leg beginning to shake. she looked down and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, pretending to think of her answer as she tried to calm down.
"uh, it was really nice, from my memories of there. no matter where you were there was always a great view. i lived in the downtown of manila and it was a really good learning experience. i was close with my neighbors and it kind of prepped me for new york." she smiled, biting her lip a bit.
pete nodded in response, his own cheeks blushing a bit when he saw esma bite her lip.
"so, um, what made lorne change you to a writer?" he asked, the two beginning to go off into their own conversation as the others chattered on their own.
"well, i slid in a few of my sketches into my resume folder and he really liked them. he actually said he wants to use mine for a show soon." she beamed proudly, placing her hands on her lap.

the rest of the day was dedicated to esma learning the ropes. she was introduced to all the staff and was given a tour of her areas of the studio. she was shown her office at the very end of the tour and decided to hang out there by herself for a bit before leaving.
just as she walked through the door, someone tapped on her shoulder.
it was pete.
"oh, hey pete!" she smiled, turning to him with her papers in her arms.
"hey esma! i was just wondering if you wanted to join some of us for drinks tonight. we were gonna head to a bar down town."
"oh! well, that sounds really fun! do i have time to run home really quickly?"
"yeah! of course! are you good walking there or do you want me to go with you..?" he asked nervously, biting his lip.
"i actually wouldn't mind some company..." she blushed, shoving her hand in her pocket, "i've lived in new york for a while but this apartment is new."

he nodded and began to walk with her, smiling down at her every once in a while. they had a large height difference, pete an entire foot taller than her.

"so you've lived here for thirteen years?"

she nodded in response.

"what caused you to move?"

"well, its kind of a sad story. my mom died in a car wreck when i was ten so my dad and i moved here to get away."

"oh god, i'm sorry to hear about that... i shouldn't have asked."

"no! no you're okay, it doesn't bother me anymore. i've grown a lot from it actually."

saturday night love - pete davidson Where stories live. Discover now