Chapter 2: Life at school

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      I stop by my locker on my way to first block. As always, there's a group of kids standing by my locker. No one let's me through, everyone talking over each other.
      "Excuse m--" I try to say.
      "Hey guys, I need to get to my--" everyone ignores me.
      Then I spotted my best friend in the whole world. Arianna, confident but careful strides, her long, shiny black hair pulled into a ponytail on her right shoulder, side bangs covering her eye.
      "Ari!" I shout. She doesn't hear me, so I scream louder.
      "ARI!!!!" still, she doesn't hear me. I run over to her and sneak up behind her.
     "Boo!" I yell at her. She jumps at the sound of my voice, then she smiles.
      "Hi," she says.
      We wait until the crowd goes away, as always. Then we get into our lockers. We grab what we need and head for class. I go over to my desk, sit down, and look over at Ari. She takes her sweet time sitting down.
      She finally gets settled in and the teacher starts class.
      "Okay, grab a calc, some graph paper, a pencil, and your book. We're learning the different types of formulas for cones, cylinders, and spheres, and we're going to do these worksheets," says Mrs. Krayley.
        She asks two people to hand out the worksheets, and we end up having to do five of them.
      Math is over at 10:10, and we finish the day in a breeze.
      At lunch, Ari and I sit at our regular table with our other friends, Carlie, Jasmine, Emma, Madison, and us two. Our conversations get wierd, but they're always funny.
      Then we hear some yelling behind us. I spin around, and immediately everyone in the cafeteria is standing around in a circle.
      We hear cheering, and Ari and I rush over. Two of the most snobby kids in eighth grade, standing just inches away from each other, gleaming with sweat, fists balled up, looking like they are about to hound each other.

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