Chapter 5. Who She Is (Pt. 2)

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"So S.H.I.E.L.D attacked Hydra. When was it?"

"Around 50 years ago," Elizabeth answered, followed by a series of "no-way"s.

"You look 17," Natasha shook her head a little. "That's impossible."

"Apparently the experiment made me age much slower than the average human."

"Nick, you know who led that mission?" Clinton narrowed his eyebrows.

Nick folded his arms, "No. Although I have heard a mission to attack Hyda's base long ago.. What did you do after that, Miss?"

"The man who carried me handed me over to a priest. He lived in a monastery in the middle of a canyon, in Utah," she explained. "He took care of me all this time, until he passed away."

"Why would he do that? I mean handing you over to someone else?" Natasha turned to Fury, "Doesn't S.H.I.E.L.D have a facility to keep people like her?"

That's it. Elizabeth has had enough of their suspicious-rude behavior. Not to mention, unthankful!

"Maybe he didn't want me to be treated like this," she gritted her teeth. "What else do you want to know?" She just wanted it to be over.

"How you live after that," said Stark.

"He helped me heal. Emotionally. He told me that everything got to have a good purpose, even if I couldn't see it yet," she stared blankly at her legs.
"I was barred out. I thought that was because I looked like a monster. I fell into despair," she inhaled deeply, "but he told me that in his eyes, I looked like an angel sent from heaven."

"I needed to stay inside because people were looking for me and wanted to take me back to where I'm from. Even then, he told me that I mustn't hate humans. He encouraged me to continue my practice because he believed that someday, I was destined to save humans."

There's a long silence, then she looked up. The Avengers were still staring at her, but now with less suspicion in their eyes. She shrugged.

"Story of my life."

"Ok. What are you planning to do now?" asked Stark.

"I'm not sure. I would say go back to my secluded monastery... but I didn't really wanna go back," she looked at her shoes. "You see, I was alone in there."

"Understandable, but how do we know you're not going to spy on us?" Clint asked.

"Well, you can watch me as much as you like. Tell everyone to watch me," she threw her hands in the air.

"I think we have an empty room," Nick finally talked. "You may stay, but we will be watching you."

A huge smile formed on her face. "Thank you so much! I would hug you right now, but.." she lifted her handcuffed hands. Clinton grabbed the key in his pocket and took it off. She breathed deeply, as though she just came out of prison.

"Please take this lady to Room 204," said Nick to a nearby staff. She nodded, gestured Elizabeth to follow her. She waved happily at the Avengers and the director, and Stark waved back.

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