Chapter 1 : Shadows

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The black blanket that hung over the gloomy city of Heatherfields glowed slightly with yellow and grey hues. The tiny white dots that danced in the night sky, gave little to no light to the hard labourers that walked below. The streets were filled with workers from constructors with hard hats to lawyers buzzing through the crowds of limbs tightly clutching their briefcases. The puddles that led into grey under sewers of Heatherfields reflected the glowing windows of tall skyscrapers. The smell of roasting hot dogs and cups of coffee waffled through the air, occasionally dancing with the puffs of cigarettes that crossed their path. The sounds of horns from irritated red faced drivers made it quite difficult to slumber in this city. The occasional screeching of car wheels made an appearance when there was a live- action car chase right outside my window.

I turned my attention back to the blank lined sheet of paper that layed on my dust layered rustic study table. The dark circles of coffee mugs were drawn elegantly on the dark wood surface of my workspace. The computer screen illuminated the coloured pens that laid peacefully next to a single lined piece of paper. ' Arrgh, why can't I just think of something.' I ask myself in a harsh tone as I spin in my chair. My hair slumps lazily on the back of the chair as I lean back, my hair tie slowly releases strands of my hair as I comfortably lay back in my chair. I stare at my white ceiling, glaring at the flakes of white paint that threaten to fall in my eyes. I stare harder at the ceiling, attempting to force an idea out the deep dark depths of my mind. I was interrupted with my mom calling for me, 'Yes.' I answer back with a moody tone. 'Nayaa (translation into Somali it means girl) come here, look at what they are showing in the news' my mum said with her somalian accent. I groan before shuffling to find my crocs and waking into the living room where my mum is sitting on the arabian sofas our neighbours got from Morocco. On the TV screen, the CNN news was on with an asian news reporter reporting about a series of theft that have been occuring in Heatherfields. According to the news report, a new criminal who has named himself '?' has been carrying out a series of bank heist, museum break ins and jewelry shop theft. ' May God protect us, this is the work of the devil surely' my mum bursts out drawing my attention away from the brightly lit screen. ' Honestly, mum we all knew how crime filled this city was, but still moved here'. My mum began to rant on, but honestly I wasn't listening as my attention was drawn outside to the empty road. An empty road on a Friday night? That doesn't seem right. The reason being is that usually the streets are filled on Friday with drunks and normal civilians with takeouts from the local takeout shop, Ching Xi Restaurants which my friend, Hyolyn grandma owns. There veggie dumplings are to die for! Anyway, it was kinda of chilling that the streets were empty like this, however I pay no more attention to it and just nod to my mum before returning to my room.


It was around 2am, when a blood curling scream tore through the cool humidity of my room. I got up breathing heavily eyes darting around the room. A series of different screams can be heard along my neighbour. I looked out of my window to see pure horror. (GRAPHIC NATURE). There were a group of people lined up on the street, Hands bound behind their backs, eyes overflowing with fears, muffled sobs as their mouths were met with the oppression of a white dirty cloth. A group of black trucks erupted by soldiers dressed in black op clothing, my eyes gazed at their dangerous weapons that they swung around aimlessly in front of the my neighbours? My neighbours! I shuffled backwards on my bed, eventually landing hard on floor with my hand over my mouth as tears streamed down my brown moonlight cheeks. 'What the hell is going on?' I thought to myself.' Surely this is some sort of wicked nightmare that I'm in, this can't be real, can it?' I asked myself. It was at the moment when I heard a familiar scream, a scream that I would hear often whenever there was a daddy long legs in my house or a spider in the bathtub. It was my mother's, I ran out of my door, swinging my bedroom door harshly as I made my way to my mum's bedroom. Suddenly a grip pulled me into my bathroom, I was screaming yet I couldn't hear anything, only then noticing my mouth was covered with a gloved hand. I couldn't see the figure that was oppressing me as it was behind, however from the shadow that paved itself on the tiles of the bathroom floor it was a man. I continue to hear my mum scream and plea for God and anyone to help her, however she was only meet with the single gunshot sound. At that moment I felt my heart sink, as if I had just been dropped in the middle of the pacific ocean with no safety net. I hear a man shout, more like demand the others in the room 'Find her, make sure she alive' said the man. 'Who is he?' I thought to myself. 'And for the rest, kill'. I was still tense in the arms of the man who silenced me with a single hand over my mouth. Heavy footsteps pitter patter the wood floor boards of the hallways, heavy breathing and jiggling metal echoed on the bathroom tiles. Suddenly there was a large shut of the front door, the hand over my mouth was finally removed. Still terrified, my body shivered in fear, but slow and surely my body turn to faces the figure behind me. There stood a quite tall, well-built teenage boy whose tan skin can still be seen in the semi-darkness of the bathroom, whose eyes glowed a warm hazel colour. His hair was dark brown and was slightly scruffy, but shortly cut. He was dressed in all black, a tight ¾ length black top, heavy black cargo trousers and heavy military boots that were neatly laced. ' We need to leave, now' he asserted, his tone was neither soft or harsh it laid somewhere between the two. Stupidly, I just nodded and let him take my hand as he dragged me out of the bathroom window that lead to the building's fire escape.

'We were surely going to get caught if we are just running down the fire escape, it wasn't the most quietest of escape either, his heavy boots made impressive loud thuds as it hit the metal landings' I thought to myself. Once we reached the bottom, we run out of the alley and out onto the empty street, I felt as if I was running aimlessly with the stranger, him dragging my arm around as if it was just a string. We stopped once we reached an alley with a black motorcycle, it's paint was glittered by the moonlight the glinsed gently on the metallic black paint. Surprising there were two black matte helmets that hung from each of the handle. The man walked towards the bike and threw the helmet on me, 'Put it on' he said in a stern voice. Mind you, that I was still in my pyjamas that were soaked with mud and rain water. I nodded and place the helmet on my head. Its inside smelt like cigarettes and dried leather. Ew. I hopped on the motorbike, behind the man and wrapped my arms around his waist, at first he was startled but soon relaxed. His grip on the handles tighten as he revved the motorcycle. Hearing distant footsteps and dialogue, the man sped off with me on the back of the motorcycle. We bob and weaved through the traffic and enter the highway, its yellow and amber hues painted the grey concert walls as if it was like the sun was shining into a tunnel. The tiny red squares that we pushed as the motorcycle darted between the lanes. I shut my eyes, breathing in the sweet fumes of burning petrols and tyres. My breathing first rapid was now coming down as I listened to the aggressive humming of the motorcycle. We finally reached the end of the tunnel and a few blocks later we arrived at another alley. The machine begins to slow down and the engine finally comes to a halt. After taking his helmet, he stated that 'We're here', where was 'here?' and who the hell was he? Taking of my helmet and leaving on the now cold rain spattered leather seat, I followed him to a side door of a building.

It appeared to be an old abandoned sugar mill, its derelict bricks crumbled each time a step was taken within it. Its window were shattered and decorated elegantly with cleverly embroidered cobwebs. The cobbled pathway on the side of the building had damp cardboard box belonging to the old sugar mill and silver trash cans that stood together on either side of the pathway. A chipped burgundy painted steel door was located on the right side of the building, so we had to walk to it through a fence that had a roughly cut out hold. When we reached the door, he slid open the two locks and slid the door, there was a empty hall that was filled with a stale smell, its floor and ceiling was yellow tinted and there were black walls that gave the whole place an eerie feel. There were two lamp shades and two yellow tinted light bulbs that swung by the small breeze that swept from outside. 'Welcome to the haven' he said in his exhausted deep voice. I wondered what he was taking about, 'haven'? 'There was no one here' I thought to myself. That change when the mirage that was in front disappeared and there in front stood a group of diverse teens around my age. 'Welcome' a voice said in a harsh however slightly gentle tone coming from behind the group of people. ' we've been excepting to you...'.

For the next chapter, stay tuned!! Please leave any feedback and vote. 😊

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