Chapter 3:Silence

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Red. Streaks of crimson flashed before our eyes periodically ,spinning furiously. 'Someone set off the security emergency alarms.' Felix said. 'We need to clear out now, before the cops get here' Said Marco in an authoritative tone. 'Where will we go, we have no contact with the other bases and our families sure as hell don't want us popping back into their lives!' Said Nuru. It was at that moment that an idea came into my head, I looked at the group cautiously assessing whether they were trustworthy enough to go to the location I had in mind. 'There is an somalian shop my aunt owns, there are some rooms upstairs that we can stay in for the time because she currently out of the country' I said quickly. Everyone nodded with their now soaked heads as rain ripples down their faces. They all followed me as I ran rapidly away from the base, boots and trainers squishing into the moist muddy ground. Felix was pushed in his wheelchair by nuru at a rapid pace, making sure to keep up with our pace. I stopped for a moment on the main road where their were glaring and judging citizens surrounding us. The rest of the group came to a holt as well, 'what are you doing? We don't have time for this!' Said Marco. Cassie was soon to shush him which caused me to smirked a bit. My now wet curled brown/black stuck to my forehead as I thought hard on the direction to the shop, I turned left and pointed in that direction. We all continued to move towards the shop, unaware on a following shadow. We made a few more turns, ran down a subway and up five flights of concrete stairs and a bridge. Finally we reached the shop.

The glass was slightly cloudy but somewhat glowing due to the contrast of the fluorescent street lamp and the moon lit night sky. In the display there were traditional Somali decoration: a red and yellow striped patterned cloth that hung from the corner, a beaded tambourine, a animal skin drum and a clay pot that had simple shapes cut into it. The door was a simple chestnut wood door, decorate with the simple single sign that read ' Hawa's Shop'. I reached under a near plant pot that home a withering red unidentified flower to find a golden paint chipped key laying below it. I picked the key up swiftly and jiggle it into the lock, managing to open it successfully. The rest of the gang bursted into the shop slamming the door behind them just after I stepped into the shop. 'Don't touch anything or break anything!' I said sternly. I made my way behind the counter to a beaded doorway behind which laid a white paint door. I find the keys already in the lock and twist it softly. Narrow wooded stairs awaited behind the door, I climbed up to lead me to a small apartment. There was a cubic wooded unit in the kitchen and there was a small living room with a denim blue sofa and an armchair. A small orange rug and wooden shelf accompanied the sofa and armchair as well as a small tv. The curtains were a faded yellow with the small simple designed of the sun repeatedly printed on it. I looked out of the curtain through the small slit, the street had a few cars pass by and the pavement had the rare appearance of a person walking there. Moving away from the window, I made my way towards the bedroom , which were poorly furnished with two single beds and bunch of sleeping mats and blankets in the corner. It was almost as if my auntie knew that I someday made need this. I made my way back downstairs to the group and guided them upstairs. Nuru and Marco helped carry Felix and his wheelchair upstairs gently as me and Cassie followed behind and me securing the white door behind us. Once everyone was upstairs there were a few minutes of awkward silence. My eyes flared harshly at the orange rug I stood upon that I am pretty sure there is a hole in it by now. 'We need to rescue Mark' Marco said. ' No, did you not see that video of the virus happening in the centre of the city' I replied back. 'You don't get to make any decisions and definitely have a say in any we do, you are the main reason Mark is not here right now.' He replied back in a slightly loud and alarming tone. 'I just saved you and Felix, so yeah I do think I have a right to say something!' I quickly came back with. 'Stop it, both of you, we have not a lot of time before they find out where we are' Nuru said seriously. We both huffed and turned to face the opposite direction of each other. The rest looked at each other in the street lamp lit room, as there were no lights in the house that was we were in. There was a sudden ping from the phone I had been carrying since our escape from the base. I slowly sat the phone down in the centre of the dark rustic wooden table in the kitchen. The group began to surround it as they all looked on as I opened the phone. It was another video feed it was the same news lady as before but this time she didn't seem here what seems usual happy self, instead her face was frowned, craving deep expression lines across her slightly middle aged female face. Her lips were still rogue and her eyes still crystal blue. She opened her mouth and began 'Good evening, this is Sadie Miller and this is Heatherfield's Huffington Post. Updates on the epidemic are as followed: police have managed to somewhat controlled this unexplained epidemic in the city's Central Park, road blocks have contained the outbreak in further, witnesses say it is the most horrific events, the following description are of graphic nature. Some recall that they saw people chewing off people's faces and some eating what seems like the remains of humans. This zombie like behaviour has yet to be confirmed by the police, if not any behaviour that these suffers of this epidemic. I am Sadie Miller and that is all we have so far from the epidemic. Remember we'll keep you posted so stay tuned'. I turned off the video feed and looked down stunned 'We need to help these people, we have these abilities to help them so why not' I asked the group in a monotone, almost repulsed by their lack of courage. 'Fine, me,Nuru and Anaya will go to the park to see how we can help, whilst you two stay here and figure where 'they' could have taken Mark' Said Marco exasperated. Looking at each other's drench selves, we all firmly nodded and the three of us set out to the park. Shutting the white door behind me, I followed the two guys out of the shop. We looked at the midnight sky and the navy and electric blue streaked concrete road as we plodded onwards to the city's centre. Little did they know there was a blanket of darkness shaped into a human form following them, the shadow from before.

P.S: sorry for the delay. Enjoy!! 😉 😊please don't forget to leave a comment and vote.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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