Chapter 7: Straw Hat Pirates vs. The Marines

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It's been a few weeks since Naruto joined the crew and it's been chaotic. Naruto has been training with Sanji and Zoro along with the rest of the crew. "Naruto, you're doing very well," Zoro said to his son while blocking another attack. Naruto and Zoro were sparring and of course, Zoro was going really easy on him. The crew stopped by an island just before this and Zoro bought Naruto three swords, one for now and the other two for after Naruto masters the One Sword Style. The one Naruto is using now is called 'Andeddodorīmu.' 'Undead Bringer.' Naruto was doing really well in his training and he excelled in his lessons with Sanji but with Zoro, it's a different story. His mental strength is there and he has the speed to do multiple attacks, but he isn't used to the physical strain it puts on the muscles. Naruto went in for another slash when Zoro knocked Naruto's sword out of his hand. Then Zoro pointed his sword at Naruto and said, "You should never lose your sword. And remember, scars on the back are the shame of a swordsman," Zoro let Naruto grab his sword and they were going to spar again when Nami shouted.

"Look out! We've got Marines on the port bow! Make preparations for a Coup de Burst!" Nami yelled out. Zoro sheathed his sword and ran towards the sails. "Ooohhh, do you think they have any meat?" Luffy laughed while smiling. "Now's not the time to be thinking about that!" Usopp yelled. The crew ran around the Sunny like a well-oiled machine. Luffy was sitting on the Sunny's head just laughing, Zoro was raising the sails with Sanji, Nami was looking for an opportunity to get away, Usopp and Chopper were running around while screaming, Franky was below deck preparing a Coup de Burst, Robin was calmly watching out for marines who might try to get on the Sunny, Brook was at a 45 degree angle on the Sunny's mast, Jinbe was steering the Sunny, and Naruto was just standing there confused about what was going on.

Robin went over to Naruto and put a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "They're the Marines, they're after us because we're wanted criminals," Robin said while smiling at Naruto. "Really? What'd you do?" Naruto asked. Then a cannonball almost hit the Sunny. "I'll tell you later," Robin said and then she crossed her arms. "Cien Fleur: Spider Net," Robin yelled and she made a net with her arms. She was letting the cannonballs fall into the sea. Luffy then turned to Naruto while smiling brightly. "Woah! Look at how big their ship is! I'm gonna go see if they have any meat!" Luffy yelled. "You wanna come?" Luffy asked and Naruto wasn't given time to answer because Luffy already grabbed him. Then he held onto the Sunny's head and ran backward, his arms stretching in the process. "Gomu Gomu no Rocket!" Luffy yelled while flinging himself and Naruto over to the Marines' ship. "No!" Chopper, Usopp, and Brook yelled. "That idiot," Nami mumbled. Robin just laughed and Sanji smirked. Zoro sighed and Sanji kicked Zoro over to the ship and Sanji skywalked over. Naruto had his one sword out and was holding it with two hands in front of him.

Zoro landed on the marines' ship with a smirk. "Oi! Naruto-kun! Watch closely!" Zoro yelled and Naruto turned towards his dad. Marines then surrounded Zoro and he smirked. He put his swords in their positions. "Three Sword Style: Dragon Twister!" Zoro yelled whole twisting his swords around, creating a huge tornado of slashes. The Marines were cut up and Naruto's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow! That was amazing!" Naruto yelled. "Check this out Naruto!" Sanji yelled and he was also surrounded by marines. Naruto looked over to see Sanji do a one-handed handstand on a marine's head. "Party Kick Course!" Sanji then kicked every marine in the face within his range. Then he proceeded to kick the marine he was on top of. "So cool!" Naruto yelled out while watching the duo fight the marines. "Naruto! Over here! Look over here!" Luffy yelled and Naruto blocked a marine and he looked over at Luffy who bit his thumb. "Now, Third Gear!" Luffy yelled whole blowing air into his arm. "Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol!" Luffy yelled while punching through one of the marines' ships. Naruto's eyes widened even more and he had stars in his eyes. "So cool!" Naruto yelled and Luffy's arm shrunk. "That's soo cool!" Naruto yelled and then he tried out one of his attacks. "Now you try, Naruto! Just like we practiced!" Zoro yelled while cutting down another marine.

"Ittoryu Iai: Shishi Sonson!" Naruto yelled while cutting through a marine. Naruto's attack was spot on and the marine went down. "Ahh! Good job Naruto!" Zoro praised and Naruto blushed. Luffy then screamed out, "Gomu Gomu no Gatling!" Luffy's array of fists hit the marines, sending them crashing into others marines and even overboard. A few minutes of fighting went by and Naruto unsheathed his sword and was going to attack again when he heard Luffy yelling. "Crew! Get back on the Sunny! They don't have any meat! Just gold!" Luffy yelled and Naruto could hear Nami fuming from the Sunny. "Get the gold, you moron!" Nami yelled but Luffy paid no mind to her. Sanji kicked Zoro over to the Sunny while he skywalked and Naruto and Luffy flung themselves over using a Gomu Gomu no Rocket. Robin caught Naruto with her smaller Spider Net and Luffy landed on Usopp who got crushed from Luffy. "Can't. Breathe," Usopp gasped out and Luffy stood up and then laughed. "Whatcha doing under there?!" Luffy asked and Usopp stood up angry, "You did that to me!" Usopp yelled and Luffy just asked, "Really?" Usopp sighed and Nami also sighed, Chopper ran around the Sunny while Franky yelled up, "Coup de Burst is all ready to go! Just tell me when!" Nami then spotted an opening. "Nami! Tell me where!" Sanji yelled at the helm. "Over there! To starboard!" Nami yelled and Franky readied the burst. "Got it Nami-swan!" Sanji yelled while turning to starboard. "Hold on Naruto-kun," Robin said as she made some arms to hold herself down. Luffy wrapped himself around the Sunny's head, Usopp and Chopper held onto the mast, Brook held onto the tree, Zoro held onto the railing of the Sunny and Naruto made a rush and hung onto Zoro who wrapped an arm around Naruto. Naruto closed his eyes as he hung onto Zoro.

"We're ready Franky!" Sanji yelled and Franky yelled back, "Ready! Coup de Burst!" Franky then pulled the trigger and the Sunny went flying through the sky, over the Marines' heads and out of the marines' sights. Luffy laughed, "We're flying!" Naruto opened his eyes to see that the sun seemed closer than usual and Naruto felt a sense of weightlessness. The crew let go of their initial holding ground and relaxed as the wind blew past their ears. "How are we flying?" Naruto asked as he let go of Zoro. "It's all thanks to the Sunny and Franky's skill in being a shipwright," Robin said and Franky turned toward the crew and said, "Aww thank you, guys. That's really super of you to say!" "It's all true," Robin commented and Zoro nodded. "Yeah without you, we'd still be stuck on Water 7," Chopper said and Franky had tears in his eyes. Manly tears. "Where's Water 7?" Naruto asked and Luffy turned around from the Sunny's head and said, "That's where Franky's from,"

"Where are you from, okaasan?" Naruto asked and the crew gathered around to hear. "Don't you want to know where I come from?" Zoro asked and Naruto nodded. "I want to know about where you all come from and about all of your adventures out at sea!" Naruto said and Luffy laughed. "Well, it all starts with me!" Luffy said while smiling. Then the Sunny landed in the water and the crew was back on course to their next island.
Hello, my wonderful Ninja Pirates! Hope you're happy for this new chapter! I've been working continuously on this story, so be happy! Don't forget to vote, comment and share with your friends or your enemies!
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