Chapter 21: Slug Princess Tsunade Returns

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Naruto got up bright and early for his mission and the only one awake at that time was Sanji who was making breakfast quietly in the kitchen. "Good morning, Naruto-kun. I just finished the food for your mission. I'm working on breakfast now, so if you want to wait before you go," Sanji said while handing Naruto a bag full of food. "This'll last you a week with three meals a day. They are labeled for each day since some food will go bad within the week so it's best to eat those ones first," Sanji said. "Wow, thanks Oji-Sanji, you thought of everything," Naruto said while smiling at Sanji. Naruto had a smaller bag full of clothes and weapons for his mission. He also had on his Clima-Tact and swords on his hip. "Good morning my chīsana kaizoku," Robin said while walking into the room. "Morning, mama," Naruto said while kissing Robin on the cheek. "Do you have everything you need for your mission?" Robin asked and Naruto nodded. "Good morning, Naruto-kun," Zoro said while yawning. He ruffled Naruto's hair and kissed Robin's cheek. "Morning, sweetheart," Robin said while smiling. "Morning, everyone," Jinbe said and everyone waved or nodded, still a bit tired from their slumber. "Good morning, guys," Usopp said with a yawning Chopper by his side. Robin smiled at them before turning to Zoro. "Honey, Sanji made some delicious breakfast, won't you wake our captain?" Robin said to Zoro who yawned but nodded. He walked back out the door but just as he was about to open Luffy's door, it swung open, hitting Zoro in the face. "Meat, I smell meat!" Luffy said while smiling brightly with his straw hat around his neck. "Good morning, Luffy-san. Good morning everyone! Yoho," Brook said while slamming the door into Zoro's face again. "Oi," Zoro said angrily while grabbing Luffy's collar. "Morning, Zoro!" Luffy said happily. Zoro just sighed and let him go. "Food will almost be done," Sanji said and then Chopper, Brook and Jinbe entered the kitchen. "Smells good, Sanji," Chopped said while sniffing the air. Then he sat down at the table. Sanji smiled and then Nami walked in. "Morning everyone," she said while stretching. "Good morning, Nami-swan!" Sanji yelled while having heart eyes. "Good morning, Sanji," Nami replied and Sanji smiled brightly. "What a super morning it is!" Franky yelled, instantly waking up everyone else. "Good morning, Franky," Robin said while calmly sipping her tea, ignoring the rest of the rowdy crew singing about breakfast.
"Are you all packed, Naruto-kun?" Nami asked and Naruto nodded. Then Sanji put food on the table and everyone dug in. "I have my toothbrush, toothpaste and clothes. My swords and my Clima-tact. I have food from Sanji. I think I have everything," Naruto replied while stuffing his face with food. "Don't talk with your mouth full," Zoro scolded and Naruto swallowed. "Sorry, papa," he said. After breakfast, everyone was still in the kitchen. "Naruto-kun, good luck on your journey! I have some more medical supplies for you!" Chopper said while holding out a small bag to Naruto. "Thanks, Chopper," Naruto said while hooking the bag to his other bag with his clothes. "What time is it?" Naruto asked. "It's almost 8," Robin said and Naruto immediately stood up and rushed to the door.
"Naruto. Do you have everything?" Robin asked while raising her eyebrows, knowing Naruto forgot something. "Bags, food, medical stuff..." Naruto trailed off. "Oh, right," Naruto said sheepishly before going back to his family and giving them all hugs. He kissed Robin's cheek. "Bye guys! I'll stay safe, don't worry!" Naruto said while waving to his family who waved back. "See you soon, my chīsana kaizoku," Robin said and Naruto smiled before shutting the door. Then he made his way towards the gates of the village to see that Jiraiya was already there. "Morning, pervy sage," Naruto said and Jiraiya sneered. "For the last time, I'm the Toad Sage! Get it right you brat!" Jiraiya said while pulling his hair in frustration. "Where's Mito?" Naruto asked while looking around, pretending to care. "Don't know, but she's late," Jiraiya said. Naruto then remembered that Jiraiya had also taught Mito some things, though Naruto has no clue if she was successful or not. Naruto then heard a bunch of noise coming from the village and Mito showed up at the entrance, panting from running. "I'm here," Mito said after catching her breath. "You're late," Naruto said while folding his arms. "Sorry about being late, Jiraiya-sensei," Mito said sheepishly while looking at Jiraiya. She completely ignored Naruto who rolled his eyes.
"Let's get going then. Shall we?" Jiraiya asked and he started walking. Naruto followed with Mito. "So who's Tsunade?" Mito asked Jiraiya who peered down at her. "She was my teammate back when we were genin," Jiraiya answered. "She's one of the legendary sages along with me a-" Jiraiya said, cutting himself short a bit. Though it sounded like he wanted to say something else, Jiraiya shut his mouth and carried on walking. Mito didn't seem to notice but Naruto noticed. "Anyways, let's get going, the faster we get Tsunade, the better for the village," Jiraiya said and they continued to walk in silence. "This is so boring," Naruto complained to Kurama who nodded. "It sure is, kit," Kurama responded and Naruto sighed. "What's wrong with you?" Mito asked after hearing Naruto sigh. "Who? Me? Nothing. I'm just enjoying the clouds," Naruto said while looking up at the sky which was clear as day with no clouds in sight. "But there are no clouds?" Mito questioned. "Exactly," Naruto responded, leaving Mito confused.
Mito got over her initial shock and shook it off. "So, who is your family anyways?" Mito asked and Jiraiya raised an eyebrow at Naruto for he didn't even know most of Naruto's family. "That's my business and my business only," Naruto said with a stern voice. "Come on, I'm just asking. They seemed like okay people in the stands," Mito said while crossing her arms. "They are very okay people that you don't know," Naruto said to Mito who huffed. Jiraiya knew Naruto kept his family somewhat secret as he didn't know anything himself. So he was curious to hear what Naruto would say in response to Mito. "Who's your mom? And your dad? Do you have any brothers? Sisters?" Mito asked and Naruto was getting quite annoyed. "Who my family are is none of your business," Naruto said in a stern and annoyed voice. Mito huffed again and tried prying more. "You know, I bet your family is really disappointed in you," Mito said with a careless tone of voice. "Oh yeah? What for?" Naruto asked in an amused voice. It was entertaining to Naruto as he knew his family was proud of him and that they absolutely would want him to kick Mito's ass right then and there.
"For existing," Mito stated and Jiraiya raised his eyebrow at Mito. Mito smirked at Naruto who just sighed. "I was hoping for a better answer than that," Naruto said. "If anything, they're proud because if you forgot, I became a chūnin and you didn't," Naruto said to Mito while putting his hand under his chin in a thinking manner. Mito grit her teeth and clenched her fists. "Speechless are we?" Naruto said in a calm voice that made Mito angrier. Jiraiya snickered a bit before turning to them. "So, Naruto, what's your mom's name? She's very pretty," Jiraiya asked while giving Naruto a closed eye smile. Immediately, Jiraiya was hit in the head with a small rock. It left a small red spot right in Jiraiya's forehead. Naruto then answered, "My mom would kill you if you ever spy on her because I know you and your pervy ass." "But what's her name?" Jiraiya asked and Naruto thought for a moment. "Robin. Her name is Robin," Naruto said, finally revealing something about his mysterious family. Mito huffed as she wanted to know more. She knew Naruto was powerful, but she didn't know how powerful he was. She had heard from her dad that Naruto's family was extremely strong, to the point where even Minato was a bit weary of them.
"So what does Tsunade do?" Mito asked Jiraiya who looked at her. "She's a medical ninja. One of the, if not the best, medical ninja around," Jiraiya answered. Mito stayed quiet after that which was odd.
"We're here," Jiraiya said and they start asking around for Tsunade. "There's a giant snake over there!" Someone yelled and Jiraiya looked at Naruto and Mito and took off running. The two ran after Jiraiya though upon arriving at the scene, found the building destroyed but to Tsunade or Orochimaru. "It's getting late, we should stop the search for today," Jiraiya said to Naruto and Mito while walking away from the scene.
"How did all of that stuff break?" Naruto asked Kurama. "Along with being the best medical ninja, Tsunade is very strong. She's strong enough to collapse a building with one punch," (Yes pun intended) Kurama explained. "Come on, kids," Jiraiya said she Naruto and Mito followed him to a hat where Jiraiya went over to a table with two women at it. Thinking he was going to flirt with them Naruto kind of didn't listen. However, Jiraiya sat down and motioned the duo to do the same. "Tsunade, Shizune," Jiraiya said in a serious voice while grabbing some booze. "It's been a while, Jiraiya. What brings you here?" The blond with big boobs asked Jiraiya. "Well I'm here to bring you home," Jiriya said while taking a small sip of his drink. "Why?" The woman asked. "Tsunade, we need you to come back and heal the injured," Jiraiya said. "What do you mean injured? What happened?" Tsunade asked. "The village was attacked by the Sand Village, we need you to come heal the injured. Almost half the village was destroyed," Jiraiya explained. "And what about Hiruzen?" Tsunade asked. "Dead," Jiraiya replied and Tsunade was shocked. "How?" Tsunade asked. "I think you know who," Jiraiya said and Tsunade immediately shut her mouth as she already knew. "Damn him," Tsunade mumbled and Shizune looked just as confused as Mito and Naruto. Tsunade then agreed to go back to the village only after a week as she had some unfinished business in the current town. Jiraiya agreed and they said to meet up at the town's entrance to leave to go back to the leaf village. "I'm going to do some research," Jiraiya said to Naruto and Mito and then he left. Naruto decided to walk around the town but Mito started following him.
"Why are you following me?" Naruto asked Mito who didn't say anything. "No reason," Mito replied while putting her hands on her head while walking. Naruto shook his head a bit in confusion. "Why is she following me?" Naruto asked and Kurama laughed. "She's a young dumb girl who probably has never had any independence. This is her first time out in the real world," Kurama explained. "That doesn't give her the right to follow me like a lost puppy," Naruto mumbled and Kurama just chuckled.
Naruto decided to go into a weapon shop to see if any new swords could be found. Naruto was always looking for the legendary swords that always screamed death as him and Zoro would be very interested to see if they could tame the sword. Mito of course, followed Naruto inside and looked around for who knows what. Naruto ignored Mito and began to inspect each of the swords. "Are you looking for something specific?" The shop owner asked and Narutl shook his head. "I'm just browsing right now," Naruto replied and the shop owner nodded and went to go bother Mito. Naruto was grazing his hands over some swords when one caught his eye. The aura felt different than the others, even more different than his father's sword. And by different Naruto didn't mean nice. The sword felt more dangerous than any sword he's ever felt. "Excuse me," Naruto said and the shop owner made his way to Naruto. "Yes," he said and Naruto picked up the sword. "How much for this sword?" Naruto asked and the shop owner got chills. "That sword. Oh you don't want that one, there's plenty more," the shop owner tried to convince Naruto of not buying the sword. "How much is this one?" Naruto asked again. Mito, who was doing nothing, made her way over to Naruto and saw the sword. "Hey! I want that sword!" Mito said while grabbing the sword from Naruto's hand, before quickly unsheathing it. "Mito, be careful," Naruto said. Of course he doesn't care if Mito gets hurt but if she chops her whole arm off because she's stupid, it won't be good for Naruto as he is technically babysitting her. "What? There's literally nothing to worry about," Mito said while swinging the sword around. Then in a blink of an eye, the sword literally made its way towards Mito's neck.
Naruto quickly caught the sword and sheathed it. Mito stood frozen in her spot, scared of what just happened. "I'll buy the sword and take it off your hands. Or you can give it to me for free," Naruto explained and the shop owner immediately agreed to let Naruto buy it. So Naruto got a new sword to inspect with his father and Mito for quite the scare which Naruto laughed at. "Remember Mito, the sword chooses its master, not the other way around," Naruto said while walking away with the new sword. Mito shook off her fear and walked with him.
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