Chapter 14: Chūnin Exams, Break Time; After The Preliminaries

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The crew smiled at Naruto and the good news was ruined by a screeching redhead. "I'll totally demolish him!" Mito yelled and the crew immediately knew who it was before even looking. They all cringed at Mito's voice. Even Brook cringed and he doesn't have a face. Her high pitch voice bothered Chopper so much that he put his hooves over his ears. "She's so loud," he said and Usopp also had his hands over his ears. Mito matched right up to Naruto and she screamed in his face. "I hope you're ready to face defeat!" Mito yelled while pointing her finger at Naruto. "'Cause in a month's time, I'll beat you and become a Chūnin!" Mito added while laughing at the end, though her laugh sounded like a cackle. "Did you not hear Hayate?" Naruto questioned Mito in a calm voice. "What do you mean?! Of course, I listened to him!" Mito yelled. "Wel, it doesn't sound like it," Naruto said while crossing his arms. "What do you mean?!" Mito asked in an angry voice. "I mean, even if you defeat me, that doesn't guarantee your title as a Chūnin," Naruto said calmly and Mito tried to stutter out words but found she couldn't. "Well, I'll still beat you!" Mito yelled after a few moments. Naruto just sighed. "Your screaming is giving my friends and me a major headache. Knock it off," Naruto said to Mito who fumed and you could practically see steam coming out of her ears.

"Shut it, Roronoa-Nico!" Mito screamed and everyone cringed at her tone of voice. Naruto put a hand on his head and sighed as Mito proceeded to yell, "I'll beat you!" "Hmmhmm. Sure you will," Naruto said while looking away from Mito like she didn't mean anything to him. Mito grit her teeth. "I—" Mito started but was cut off by her father and her mother, Minato and Kushina respectively. "Mito! You're in big trouble!" Kushina yelled at Mito. "You didn't come straight home! We were worried and I even made your favorite meal to celebrate you passing the first two parts of the exam! And now because of you not coming home, the meal is cold!" Kushina yelled while her hair floated and Minato sweatdropped at his wife. "Dear, why don't we give Mito a chance to explain herself," Minato said in a calm voice trying to soothe his angry wife.

The Straw Hats glared at the family as they reunited with their daughter. Robin and Zoro glared the most but when Minato glanced over at them, they politely smiled. "Well, Mito. I'm waiting," Kushina said while crossing her arms. "Gomen, mama," Mito started. "I was just telling my opponent good luck in the exam and how I'm so lucky to be able to battle with someone so strong," Mito finished, lying through her teeth but politely smiling. "Oh, Mito, dear. That's so generous of you! I'm sure that your opponent is thrilled to battle with the Hokage's daughter," Kushina said while smiling at her daughter. Naruto sneered and the Straw Hats all snickered. Chopper didn't really know what was going on but Luffy asked, "Neh, why are you lying?" And Chopper added, "Yeah. You were just telling Naruto-kun how you were going to kick his ass in the battle." Both of them oblivious to Mito's rising anger. Kushina looked confused as she looked back and forth between the crew and Mito.

"What do you mean?" Kushina asked and Chopper answered right away. "Mito was telling Naruto-kun how she was going to beat him in the third round. Right, Naruto-kun?" Chopper said while looking at Naruto. Kushina and Minato seemed to almost flinch at Naruto's name. "Right," Naruto answered while noticing his biological parents' uncomfortableness. "Mito!" Kushina scolded after a moment. "What, mama? It's not like he's going to beat me anyway," Mito said while crossing her arms. "How do you know?" Minato asked Mito who huffed while crossing her arms. "Because I'm the Hokage's daughter and I'm your daughter, mama," Mito said while smirking at Naruto who rolled his eyes at Mito. "Oh, my baby! We'll train you this month to beat your opponent. He won't stand a chance!" Kushina said and Robin just chuckled at Naruto's bored expression. "Actually, I'll be training my son to beat your daughter so that he can become a Chūnin," Zoro said while smirking with an evil glint in his eye that made chills run down Minato's back, though he didn't show it. "I'll also be training him. As his mother, it's my responsibility to make sure he's able to fight on his own," Robin said while emphasizing 'mother.' Minato noticed how the crew seemed to hate him and his family, but he hasn't the slightest clue s to why. Though Minato did remember that he had a son. His name was Naruto. Minato remembers when that situation happened.

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