Interview on Omegle About Exo

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You: Hello

Stranger: Hey

You: So, How are you?

Stranger: Fine, bored.. You?

You: lol same

Stranger: Ahh super fun. xD

You: haha

Stranger: So... Uhh.. Bias?

You: Tao <3

Stranger: Ahh Nice, Luhan for me

You: Cool. I still can't believe he's one of the oldest

Stranger: Yeah, i find myself accidentally thinking he's one of the youngest sometimes.. xD;

Stranger: Same with Tao, except thinking he's one of the oldest sometimes...

You: Omg, I know right?! It's crazy

Stranger: Yeah, it's really odd and strange. xD

You: So, what's your favorite song?

Stranger: Ahh.... Probably The Star. Your's?

You: Thunder. It gets stuck in my head really easily

Stranger: Ahhh nice, that's totally understandable.

You: This is probably a weird question; but, what do you thing about the whole Kris situation?

Stranger: Umm... Fine... with it..? He seems happier being out of SM so... Whatever makes him happy and healthy and all.

You: Yeah, good point

You: I guess whatever makes him happy is best

Stranger: Yeah, he seems happy getting into acting, so there's no reason to really like... be against it, I guess

You: I totally agree

Stranger: Yeah. Safe to say he isn't coming back, so no point in being upset about his personal choices and all that.

You: But it is kind of annoying going on Facebook or Youtube, watching an Exo video, and all the comments are about wanting Kris back or how bad SM is.

Stranger: Yeah, that is very annoying... I avoid the youtube comments at all costs because of that.

You: I feel like with the whole thing about Kris, people are forgetting to actually enjoy Exo

Stranger: Yup, they definitely are. Apparently they were getting pestered by people at their... conference or whatever? Being constantly asked about Kris and how they felt about him and the situation, and getting annoyed that they were ignoring those questions to instead, you know, focus and talk about /their/ activities and such.

You: Yeah, I agree. People should realize that they're getting a little tired of being asked that

Stranger: Like.. there is literally no reason to be asking them about it. I thought it was pretty clear that they were distraught and a little annoyed with him when the news broke out initially, unfollowing him on instagram and such, and, you know, not saying anything about him, but apparently, people think it needs to be /all/ about Kris.

Stranger: If people actually supported both the rest of EXO and Kris, and cared about them, they'd keep quiet, drop the subject, and support EXO in their activities without Kris, and support Kris in his movie.

Stranger: They're just beating a dead horse at this point now.

You: Totally agree. Hey, I have to go. It's been fun talking to you

Stranger: Nice chatting with you. Bye.

(I am probably never going to ask about Kris again. Seems like a soft spot on some fans and I don't want to bring any more moods down.)

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