Part 10

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School started the last week of August. Emeline was excited for school. Grayson not as much. He wanted to stay home with Elizabeth and Henry. Harold and Jarold surprised everyone by explaining to Grayson that it was his job to go to school. He needed to get smart so that he could protect those that he loved. Elizabeth was grateful for their words.

Elizabeth was surprised at how easy it was to get the kids up in the morning. They were up and ready to go before she was. Henry razzed her about it constantly. Elizabeth had worried about taking the kids to school and getting her and Henry to work. Mack had taken care of that worry. He volunteered to drop the kids off at school every day while the twins picked them up.

Grayson loved having Henry's friends take them to and from school. Emeline was a little more reserved about them. She was a little scared of them even though she knew that they wouldn't hurt her. Elizabeth spent much time soothing Emeline's fears.

A note came home with the kids in September talking about MacGyver day. All of the parents were invited to attend and watch the kids participate. The date was September 30th. Emeline and Grayson were super excited about it. They loved being able to solve problems and do obstacle courses.

Elizabeth was looking forward to the MacGyver day events. Elizabeth loved seeing her kids in school and playing with children their age. Besides, it would be a good reason to get out and about with Henry. She felt comfortable going because Mack, Harold, and Jarold were going. No sign had been seen of Bruce and Abigail and that worried Elizabeth.

MacGyver day showed up and Elizabeth took the kids to the school at 3pm. It felt odd being at the school on a Saturday, but the kids were excited. All of them were heading towards the school when a woman's voice shouted at them.

"Emeline! Grayson!"

Elizabeth's stomach fell as she recognized that voice. She turned to see her sister Kaitlyn hurrying towards them with their parents in tow. A long haired man followed Kaitlyn and he was carrying a baby carry seat. Henry wrapped an arm around Elizabeth as Emeline and Grayson ran to hug their mother.

Elizabeth followed them more slowly. She stood back and watched Kaitlyn kissing all over her children. The look Kaitlyn gave Elizabeth was one of pure contemp.

"How are you Kaitlyn?"

"I don't want to speak to you Elizabeth. You stole my children from me."

Elizabeth sighed. "Not now Kaitlyn. We are at a school function that I believe you were not invited to."

"These are my children."

"Not anymore Kaitlyn. I am not sure what you are doing here, but I warn you that I will call the cops if I have to."

"We came to see Emeline and Grayson. Can't we all just get along?"

"If you insist mother." Elizabeth said as she held her hands out for Emeline and Grayson. "Come. We must get inside to register you for the festivities."

The next three hours were awkward for Elizabeth. Emeline and Grayson didn't know who to spend their time with in between activities. Kaitlyn was sharp towards her and refused to let Elizabeth see her new baby or introduce her to her latest man. Her parents were oblivious as always to how Kaitlyn was. The only thing that saved the day was having Henry with her and seeing the nervous looks Kaitlyn and her boyfriend kept shooting towards Mack, Harold, and Jarold.

Henry comforted Elizabeth throughout the entire afternoon which Elizabeth was grateful for. She felt relieved when Diana, Xena, and Willow showed up. Emeline and Grayson abandoned their mother and grandparents in favor of their aunties. as they called them.

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