Love Finds You - Part 8

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Chapter 8

Jen awoke on the last Sunday in June. She rolled onto her side and looked at the clock; 6:42. She winced. With all this early rising Aunt Gabby was doing, Jen was finding it harder and harder to sleep in past seven. She lay there for a few minutes before she decided she couldn't go back to sleep.

She rose and went to her dresser, pulling out a pair of black shorts. Funny, they were tight as she slid them on; tighter than she remembered them. The front button was cutting into her stomach. She frowned and traded them for a pair of khaki shorts; they too were tight. Suddenly, the reality of the situation hit her! In shock and horror, she ran to the bathroom and pulled out the scale. She stared at it, heart beating. Did she want to know? With a feeling of dread, she closed her eyes and stepped on. She waited, not daring to look. She knew she had been eating more than usual. Ice cream, pie, BREAD! "Please let the number be small, please let the number be small," she chanted to herself as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked and calculated. Her heart sank in utter despair. Twelve pounds! Twelve pounds!!! She got off the scale and held her chest. She couldn't breathe. How on God's green earth had she gained twelve pounds in less than two months? She had to do something; stop eating! Yes! That always worked. No that's silly; Aunt Gabby would never allow it. Run! That's it! She just needed to start running! She realized she hadn't done many workouts, other than helping around the house and yard. She hadn't noticed feeling heavier. But... twelve pounds! "Why me?" she cried out loud to no one in particular.

After finding an outfit that still fit her, Jen made her way downstairs to find Aunt Gabby making breakfast. Waffles, syrup, jam, fruit, whipped cream, eggs, and coffee lined the kitchen counter. Jen was torn; she was hungry, but she was also very angry at herself. Maybe she'd start her diet tomorrow? She mentally slapped herself and sat down on the bar stool.

"Good morning," she grumbled, eyeing the whipped cream and fruit.

"Good morning, dear, you seem a little gloomy this morning."

"I've gained twelve pounds," Jen stated, not trying to hide her shame.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Aunt Gabby exclaimed. "I bet you feel so much better and full of energy. You were entirely too thin when you got here ya know. I determined the minute I saw you that I was going to work to fatten you up a bit."

Jen stared at her, not believing her ears. "You mean you've been TRYING to make me gain weight?"

"I have simply been TRYING to make you healthier darling. You looked like you were going to blow away. And now look at you, rosy cheeked and bright eyed. It's done you good."

"Aunt Gabby," Jen was dazed, "let me explain something. I have an extensive, high-priced wardrobe consisting of sizes two and four. My two's no longer fit me. How am I supposed to deal with that?"

Aunt Gabby was chuckling to herself, "Sounds like we need to go shopping. The Fourth of July fair is Saturday. We'll go get something cute to wear." She grinned at Jen like she had just solved the world's problems, but Jen wasn't satisfied.

"Aunt Gabby, I have plenty of clothes. I just need to start eating less and working out again."

Aunt Gabby was busy piling food onto a plate and either didn't hear her or wasn't paying attention.

"Aunt Gabby," she said, louder this time.

She looked up, "Yes dear?"

"You don't seem to grasp the gravity of my situation," Jen stated desperately.

"What situation is that?"

Jen let out an exasperated sigh, "The situation of the extra twelve pounds hanging on my rear-end!" She tried to not sound dramatic, but it couldn't be helped. "What am I going to do about that?"

Aunt Gabby smiled as she placed a large plate in front of Jen. A beautifully made waffle covered with syrup, whipped cream, strawberries and blueberries, covered with two fried eggs and two strips of bacon. Jen stared at the food, feeling defeated. She had to admit it looked amazing.

"Embrace it," Aunt Gabby said, holding up a fork. The twinkle in her blue eyes made Jen smile. She looked down at the plate in front of her then back at Aunt Gabby. They both giggled and Jen sighed. Then she accepted the fork.


The following Friday morning Jen, Aunt Gabby and Annie went to the local mall to try and find something to wear for the Fourth of July fair the next day and the dance on Sunday night. Jen was having difficulty finding something that suited her style. As they walked from store to store, Jen suddenly spotted one that caught her eye. A New York boutique! Jen squealed with delight and darted in as Annie and Aunt Gabby followed. Jen quickly found what she was looking for; a black pencil skirt and matching vest, with a white, loosely fitted blouse underneath. Clean, classic and right up Jen's alley. She held up the outfit so Annie and Aunt Gabby could marvel at its classic beauty.

"Are you going to a funeral?" Aunt Gabby asked.

"Or a business meeting?" Annie chimed in.

Jen felt deflated. "What do you mean?" she asked, looking at the outfit. "It's adorable and very fashionable!"

"It's adorable and fashionable for New York City, but not for Ohio. You'll look like a security agent," Annie's tone was soft. "And it's... black," she finished.

"Black just happens to be a timeless color," Jen stated, a little irritated.

"It's the Fourth of July, Jenny." Aunt Gabby was ready to put in her two cents. "You need something patriotic!"

Jen's eyes narrowed, "You mean like, red, white and blue?"

Both Aunt Gabby and Annie nodded in unison.

"Well, I don't know how to dress for these sorts of events," Jen complained.

Annie took the outfit from Jen, hung it back on the rack and slipped her arm through Jen's. "You leave it to me. I'll find you the perfect outfit." Giddy with excitement she exclaimed, "You're going to look amazing!"

Jen looked at Aunt Gabby who nodded her approval. She seemed to think that Annie picking Jen's outfit for both the fair and the dance was a great idea, so Jen decided to go with it.

"Trust me," Annie said as they walked to one of her favorite stores. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll look like a born and bred country girl!" Annie giggled and Jen laughed nervously. As Annie pulled Jen into the store, Jen caught sight of the name, Western... something. This was going to be interesting.

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Book 2 in the Helena's Grove Series is now available here:

Book 3 in the Helena's Grove Series is now available here:

Book 4 in the Helena's Grove Series is now available here:

Book 5 in the Helena's Grove Series is now available here:

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