Love Finds You - Part 11

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Chapter 11

"Good morning, Aunt Gabby." Jen smiled at her as she entered the kitchen.

"Oh, Jenny honey, I wasn't expecting you to be up. It's still early."

Jen knew exactly what time it was. She had already been up for an hour, waiting for Aunt Gabby to wake so she could ask her some questions. Questions that had plagued her dreams all night.

"I'm really starting to enjoy the mornings," Jen said as she poured herself some coffee.

"Well come on out here on the porch and we'll gossip." Aunt Gabby whispered the last word and winked at Jen. Jen laughed and followed her out the sliding door and onto the porch swing. They sat a few minutes taking in the morning air, listening to the birds as they chirped and the rooster crowing in the distance. Jen finally broke the silence.

"I could enjoy mornings like this for a long time." It wasn't a lie. She really was enjoying it.

"Mornings are my favorite time of day," Aunt Gabby said with a smile.

"We don't get mornings like this in New York." Jen looked down at the cup of coffee in her hands. "I love the clean air here; it really makes a difference."

"Oh yes," Aunt Gabby said emphatically, "clean air and clean living will help you live a hundred years."


"One hundred? That's a long time. You plan on living that long?" She said it in a teasing manner but eagerly awaited her aunts' response.

"At least!" Aunt Gabby giggled to herself. "I'm too busy to die."

"I'm glad to hear that. I am so happy I was able to come out here and get to know you. I'd hate for our time to be cut short; I mean, now that you're a part of my life." She smiled and Aunt Gabby patted her hand.

"Don't you worry child. I'll be sure and tell you when my time is getting short. But it won't be soon so I wouldn't fret." Her blue eyes sparkled with life and Jen knew that Aunt Gabby would indeed be around for some time.

Jen excused herself and went in the house. She had to get her thoughts together. Aunt Gabby wasn't sick. She didn't have cancer. And knowing her aunt like she did now, Jen was certain she did not call her father and lie to him about her health. A fire began in Jen's heart as she came to the stark realization; her father had blatantly lied to her! She checked her watch, 6:03. Her father should just be getting up. She would give him an hour. One hour, and then he had some serious explaining to do.


Jen sat on her bed and dialed her father. Holding the phone to her ear, it began to ring; one, two, three; she knew it was still early in New York but like Aunt Gabby, her dad was an early riser; yet one more characteristic they shared. On the fourth ring Roger answered the phone.

"Dad..." Jen's voice was low.

"Why, Jenny honey! How is Ohi..."

"Dad, Aunt Gabby is not sick!" She had planned on being a little more tactful but her rising anger took over all sense of reason and rational thinking.

"Wait... what?" Roger stumbled on his words. "What do you mean?"

"You told me that Aunt Gabby called you and asked you as her dying wish to come out to Ohio and see her. Do you remember that conversation Daddy? All that crap about her time running out and wanting to see us before she goes? Do you remember?" Jen was all but shouting.

"Jenny calm down, I remember."

"Well, she isn't sick. She doesn't have cancer. As far as I can tell she is going to outlive you. Did you really think I wouldn't find out? Why did you lie to me?"

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