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"You comfortable?" Jughead asked, smiling as they both sat on the ground of the place Jughead had been living in.

"Freezing, but yeah, I'm great," She replied, smiling back at her friend.

"Here," Jughead told her as he handed her an extra blanket.

It was nighttime and numerous people were outside in their cars, watching the last movie that would ever play at the Twilight Drive-In before it closed forever. Victoria had seen many of friends there when she arrived; Veronica, Cheryl, Kevin, even some Southside Serpents were there.

"Thanks," Victoria thanked him as she wrapped the blanket Jughead had given to her around her body. She smiled brightly when she realized that the movie Jughead had picked was Rebel Without a Cause, "So, you went with Rebel Without A Cause?" She questioned curiously and Jughead nodded his head.

"Yeah, I thought that Betty's choice was a great pick for a movie," Jughead replied and Victoria rolled her eyes, which Jughead clearly noticed, "What was that?"

"What was what?" She scoffed, giving Jughead an attitude.

"The eye roll," He stated and Victoria fake being confused.

"What eye roll?" She asked her friend, "There was no eye roll."

"There was definitely an eye roll, Tor," He laughed at her.

Victoria crossed her arms over her chest as she stared directly at Jughead, "What's even going on with you and Betty?"

Jughead narrowed his green eyes as he stared back at her. He slightly shrugged his shoulder, not really knowing a valid answer to his friend's question, "I have no clue," He answered quietly, "I think I may like her." He confessed. Victoria couldn't stop herself and ended up scoffing at his confession, "What? Is there a problem with that?"

Victoria quickly shook her head, "It's just..." She trailed off, "Are you sure Betty would like you back? You know, she's the girl next door type and you're....well, you."

Jughead seemed offended by what Victoria had said, even though she didn't intentionally mean to make it sound so rude, "And what the hell is that supposed to mean, Tori?" He replied with attitude, "You and me, Tori, we keep come from the same background. You saying something about me being me and insulting yourself, too."

"Jughead, I didn't mean it like that--" Victoria tried to apologize, but it was too late.

"You know what, Victoria," He spoke up, sounding angry, "Maybe you should take Veronica and Kevin up on their offer. I think I want to spend the night alone." He suggested, not knowing how much he was hurting his friend.

Victoria tried her best not to seem hurt and instead channeled it all into anger instead, "Fine, I will." She replied with attitude, tossing the blanket that was previously around her back to Jughead before she got up.

"Well, good!" Jughead argued, sounding quite immature.

Once exiting the small shack, Victoria made her way out of the Drive-In, only to pass her mother and FP, who were also leaving after doing not-so-legal things with Hermione Lodge.

Eliza gave her daughter a concerned look when she saw her youngest daughter seeming pretty distraught. Victoria's cheeks were now streaked with wet tears, which were still falling down her cheek as she continued to walk.

"Victoria, honey, what's wrong?" Eliza asked her daughter, a concerned look on her face.

"Go back to doing illegal stuff with FP and leave me the hell alone, Mom," She said with attitude, running off before Eliza could stop her.

"What the hell is going with her lately!" Eliza complained to FP, who just chuckled, "This is not funny, FP."

FP lifted his hands up in surrender, "Hey, at least your kid speaks to you, I haven't even seen my son in weeks." He commented and Eliza scoffed, rolling her eyes, "Hmm, now I know where your daughters get the constant rolling of eyes and scoffing from."


Once getting the text from Archie about him needing a friend at the moment, Victoria made her to the residence to find Archie sitting on the steps, looking almost as distraught as Victoria did at that moment.

"Hey," Victoria spoke up, walking over to where Archie stood.

Archie stood up once hearing his best friend's voice. Tears streaked his cheeks just as Victoria's did, "Grundy and I broke up. We got caught and now she's leaving town." He informed her and Victoria gave the redhead a sad look.

As much as she hated the thought of Archie dating a pedophile teacher, Archie loved Ms. Grundy and now that she was gone, Archie was beyond heartbroken.

Archie began to cry, causing Victoria to sigh, "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, Arch. It's going to be okay," She assured him, wrapping her arms around Archie.

Archie did the same, wrapping his arms around Victoria small torso, "I'm sorry. I never got to ask you what happened at the Drive-In. Who made you cry?" He asked the blonde curiously.

Victoria pulled away from hug as she wiped the streaming tears from her pale face, "Jughead and I got into a fight. I said something without thinking and he got offended. We were going to spend the night together, but he got mad and told me to go," She explained quietly, sniffling here and there, "I hate to admit it, but I like him, Archie. I like my best friend and Jughead clearly doesn't feel the same way, he likes someone else."

Archie cupped Victoria's face in his large hands as she looked up at him, "Hey, hey, hey. It's his loss." He told her and Victoria shook her head.

"What do you mean 'his loss'? The girl he likes is literally perfect. A cheerleader, perfect family, straight A's, she has the best life. I'm the girl from the wrong side of town who happens to be on the football team. I'm close to failing all my classes, my dad ditched me and my family when I was younger and my mom and sister are barely making enough at work to pay for all the bills we owe. Who would even like me?"  She explained and Archie sighed in response.

"A lot of people, Tori. So many people right before your eyes that you don't even notice." He replied, referring to himself, which Victoria didn't even notice.

Just then, Archie leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers. Victoria was shocked at first, her eyes wide in shock. Soon enough, she found herself kissing back. She knew she was just using Archie as a way of distracting herself from Jughead and she figured that Archie was doing the same. 

AN:Tori, wyd? Jughead, wyd? and Archie, what the hell do you think you're doing kissing tori?

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