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"You've got to be kidding me," Victoria groaned in annoyance as she entered her mother's trailer to find a social worker awaiting her arrival.

Alex stood beside the social worker, a sympathetic look on her face, "This is Mrs. Weis, your social worker," Alex introduced the female to Victoria, who just scoffed.

"Look, I've been through this before, we all have been in this family. But what I don't understand is why can't I just say with Alex? She's eighteen, soon to be nineteen in just a few months." Victoria asked confused.

"Believe me, I tried. I don't make enough money at Pop's so supposedly I don't have enough to support you." Alex explained to her sister, who still seemed to be confused.

"Look, Victoria," Mrs. Weis spoke up in a calm tone, "There's a nice family on this side of town that is willing to take you in, but you're going to have to transfer to Southside High."

Victoria's eyes widened in shock when she heard the lady's words, "Transfer schools? What about football!" Victoria complained loudly.


Victoria had a tear fall down her cheek as she exited Coach Clayton's office after quitting the team.

Reggie, Moose, and numerous other Bulldogs who were walking down the hallway gave her a confused look when they saw her, "What's with the tears, Munroe? Someone break your poor little heart?" Reggie asked jokingly, making his way over to her alongside the rest of the team.

Victoria shook her head in response, looking down at the ground, "I quit the team. I'm being forced to transfer to Southside High, literally the last place I want to be right now." Victoria lifted her head up, staring directly at Reggie, "Congrats, Mantle, you're now the sole captain of the Bulldogs."

"What? That can't be," Moose argued, clearly not believing her, "They can't just force you to switch schools. Especially when they're transferring you to that dump the Southside call a school."

Victoria sighed, shrugging her shoulders, "Yeah, they actually can and they did." She replied.

Reggie looked down at the ground for a moment before he did the expected and pulled Victoria into a hug, soon enough the whole team had joined in, crowding around the young blonde, "We're going to miss you, Munroe. Just don't go replacing us for the Serpents, got it?" He reminded.

Victoria nodded her head yes, "Of course. Never." She promised them.


After her run-in with the Bulldogs, Victoria was making her way down the hallway by herself when she saw a crowd of teenagers, taking a picture of something on the wall. She frowned in confusion, making her way through to find 'Serpent Slut' written on Betty's locker.

Betty stood in front of it alongside her older sister, Polly. Soon enough, the rest of the Riverdale gang had arrived and Victoria quickly stepped in front of everyone, blocking the words.

Betty was about lunge forward to take the papers off, but Victoria grabbed her by the shoulders, pushing her back, "Betty, no!" Victoria whispered loudly to her.

"it's nothing, Tori. It's just a jerk with a can of spray paint!" Betty argued with her and Victoria gave her a look.

"That's definitely not spray paint, Betty." She informed her in a low tone and Betty gave her a concerned look.

Victoria roughly grabbed her 'friend' by the arm before pulling her away from the scene.


After going through the metal detectors, Jughead and Victoria stood side by side at the pay phone in one of the Southside High hallways. They had decided to go together to see how the school was before they offically started attending there for real. After calling their friends and telling where they were, Jughead hung up the phone before looking over at Victoria, a small smile forming on his lips, "You sure you're ready for this?" Victoria asked Jughead curiously.

Jughead chuckled at her, intertwining his hand with hers. He quickly kissed her on the lips before staring at her directly in the eyes, "Are you sure you're for this? From what you've told me, you've already made some enemies with the Serpents when you told them you were a 'Bulldog for life'."

Victoria sighed as she heard Jughead's words, "Everything will be good, just as long as I don't see Sweet Pea." She told him and Jughead gave her a deeply confused look.

"What the hell kind of name is Sweet Pea?" He asked her, chuckling.

Victoria smiled, "He's this Serpent Alex sometimes hangs out. He's either in our grade or the grade above us, I don't really know exactly," She informed him and Jughead nodded his head in understanding, "He was the boy who I was talking to at Alex's birthday just before you whisked me away to confess your undying love."

Jughead scoffed, finally remember who she was talking about, "Oh, him? The boy that was giving you googly eyes?" He questioned and Victoria couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Careful, Juggy, you're starting to sound jealous." She commented as they both arrived at the cafeteria.

"I do not get jealous," he argued, still smiling at her.

"Mhmm," She hummed in response, a smirk forming on her lips.

The couple's eyes scanned the cafeteria room in search of an empty table. Jughead's eyes locked on one that was in the middle of the cafeteria. He glanced at Victoria before pulling her along with him.

Soon after getting situated, both teenagers had gotten themselves lunch and took a seat at the lunch table. Of course, Jughead sat in a chair like a normal human being while Victoria sat on top of the table.

Just then, a group of teenagers wearing Serpent jackets approached them. Victoria didn't recognize any of them except for Sweet Pea, who slid over a chair to sit beside her. He leaned forward, stealing one of her fries before eating it.

"I hate to say I told you so, Bulldog," Sweet Pea spoke up and Victoria rolled her eyes at him.

"Go to hell, Sweet Pea," She retorted and Sweet Pea just winked, causing her to groan.

"I already am in hell," He retorted, referring to the school.

Soon enough, Jughead and Victoria began telling stories of the stupid things they did together when they were younger and the Serpents began to laugh hysterically, "Juggy? Tori?" A voice behind them spoke up, causing them to turn to see that Archie, Veronica and Betty were standing before them.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jughead asked, his bright smile turning into a frown within seconds of seeing them.

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