The fight

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I woke up it was Saturday and all the memories of last night came rushing into my head. Omg I thought what had I done I needed to talk to Alex. I quickly change and ran out to Alex's house. I nocked on the door twice and then finally Alex's mom opened the door she said to come in and told me she was going to do some errands that she would be back in half an our but that Alex was upstairs and then she left. I walked up stairs and nocked on Alex's door. She shouted from her room to go away. I shouted back that it was me and that I wanted to talk. She opened the door but stood at the entrance so I wouldn't come in her room. "You are a disgusting ugly ass bitch don't you have a little bit of dignity, like are you serious first you fuck my boyfriend and now you have the nerve to come to my house to talk. fuck off you cunt" she sticks up her middle finger at me and tries to slam the door but I stick my foot out and it catches the door. "Please Alex we need to talk" I plead her. She opens the door but doesn't let me in " you have five minutes so start talking". I tell her of me getting drunk and how I thought he was Jerry and that I would never have done what I did if I had known it was Gabe and not Jerry. There was an awkward silence. Then she finally said " being drunk isn't a reason to be fucking other people's boyfriends. And even worse making excuses like how you supposedly you thought it was Jerry and not Gabe that's just pathetic. I'm done I don't want anything to do with you. Don't talk to me don't come close to me and don't even look at me. And get out of my house now" she walks out of her room and down the stairs but I grab her arm and I say "please Alex believe me you are my best friend". She responds in a disgusted voice " I'm not your friend you disgusting piece of shit" she tugs her arm out of my hand. She stumbles a little and I accidentally bump in to her and she falls down the staircase I run down to Alex's body and feel her cold body. Her body without life was just exactly the same but at the same time totally diferente from the Alex I new.

And that's how I ended up like a killer a slut and many more stuff but at the end none of those names were good. And I was scared because it was an accident but people might not believe me and I didn't know what to do.
                      To be continued...

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