Ingenue I

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ingenue: chapter 1

Bonnie stands in the middle of two large open ebony doors. The yellow artificial light of the chandelier, which hangs above her, engulfs and blurs the frame of her petite body. Her presence must be another detailed trick of his eyes. Another moment of great desperation when Klaus' mind conjures up her image as a distraction or most of a time as a punishment. Klaus misses Bonnie, and he has no one to blame, but himself.

Bonnie's smile is the first thing he pictures. Pearly white teeth framed beautifully by pulpy crimson lips, and it is crooked and yet beautiful . The beauty of her eyes is in the glimmer in her eyes, and her soul lives in that green sea.

The joy shines faintly in her eyes due to her modesty and timidity. She has no exuberance in her moment of euphoria. The same smile, which graces her lips when she is in the presence of her lover, the man who he will never be due to a choice that he made. A Choice dictated by reasons, which are of no incidence right now, cost him the woman of his dream. Those thoughts are punishment. Klaus misses Bonnie.

Yet the same smile can be so sinful when lust is the reason behind his thought of her. He has developed an unhealthy obsession with her lips. A sort of unconventional mild fetish because it only applies to Bonnie. In his thoughts of her lips, kissing them never suffice to quench his type of desire. Sucking on them until they are swollen and his teeth bruising them may silence his needs for a minute. Ultimately, his thought deviates and he pictures those soft petals all around his erected penis going up and down, causing enjoyable friction and having him shouting incoherent praise of her. He has so much longed for her lips.

Klaus shakes his head, and he needs to clear his mind.

Those thoughts are a distraction, and they are quite unwelcomed now. Klaus is in the middle of a room full of men and women with the ability to read expression and body languages. Therefore, he continues to look at the door where she is standing, and he substitutes desires with regrets. Regrets, he has a very unhealthy way to cope with those yet Bonnie is not a regret. He loves her too much to regret knowing her.

Bonnie Bennett is an eternal indecision. She is a conundrum, which he consciously avoids thinking about in an attempt to preserve his sanity. Despite his reticence, he hardly avoids thinking about her. She is an untimely incident, which wrecks his life and leaves him behind forced to rebuild. Klaus draws a breath, and he prays that a day comes when he does not miss Bonnie's Bennett.





His ingénue appears to be lost. Bonnie peruses the room with a deep frown marrying her features and annoyance twinkling in her eyes. Her hand flies to her neck, and so Niklaus deduces she is extremely stressed.

His hallucinations of her are so detailed but until tonight, he was never able to recreate her elegance from scratch. These long hours of conversation must have had a sort of effect on him. He looks at his watch and in the hour, the seminar, which he is attending, should end.

Hallucination of Bonnie, it sounds terrible yet the disarming strength of his restrained imagination results in those. Most days and nights, Klaus does not allow himself to think about Bonnie. Therefore, when he gives into the temptation, it is with exuberance. Saying he thinks of her does not measure to the gravitas of his situation. Every time a thought of her crosses his mind, Bonnie takes a life of her own. Fortunately, the instances when he thinks of Bonnie are extremely rare.

Klaus is a sane man, but a man with a normal amount of regrets, which often results in dreaming about Bonnie Bennett on some extent. Some of those dreams are of erotic nature and at the most cruel, they are simple conversations, which he wishes they had shared. He scarcely dreams of her though only because he has a strong control on his subconscious. A life spent with her at the forefront of his mind will be challenging.

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