Ingenue Chapter II

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ingenue: chapter II

What is she supposed to do? Caroline was right, and the night has gone from bad to apocalyptic. Bonnie will not live down this embarrassment. She may not survive the petty argument that might ensue if Klaus persists with his quest to disrupt the night.

"Klaus?" Bonnie quietly begs for an explanation.

Klaus appears to be the least affected by the ruckus, which he has started to create. He crosses his arms and watches chaos unfold with amusement.

Bonnie could not predict this situation, and yet she should have assumed that her dinner with Jeremy would end in tears and confrontation. Klaus is an expected wild card. She does not know what to do, and Bonnie regrets every act, which led to this.

Bonnie had accepted Jeremy's invitation because she hoped for closure. For several months, Jeremy has resorted to harassing her for a conversation. She has run out of excuses to avoid him, and so a dinner stood like a decent compromise.

Despite her good intention, Jeremy successfully misunderstood Bonnie. Tonight, he proved that he wishes for a reconciliation, which Bonnie does not desire. As if such a conflict could not ruin her night, Bonnie is staring into eyes, which she has not succeeded in forgetting.

Nothing matters now. Bonnie blinks a few times, but her brain cannot be of any use. Her neuron crashes on the incredulity of this moment. She bites her lower lip until the point of discomfort. She stares at Klaus, wondering from where he came.

"Dove," Klaus says, and he places his thumb on lower lip, which he pulls away from her teeth before it bleeds. "I think your suitor requires an explanation," Klaus whispers in the hollow of her ear.

When his breath caresses her skin, Bonnie notices his proximity. In a matter of seconds, Klaus has successfully made Jeremy the third wheel of his date.

"I think I overstepped," Klaus declares as he immediately looks at Jeremy. "Niklaus Mikaelson." He introduces himself because Bonnie has lost her voice.

Klaus positions his chair alongside Bonnie's one, and the pair faces Jeremy as a panel of judges might. Bonnie continuously glances at Klaus, and she has a hard time recovering from the disruption.

Jeremy frowns and concentrates his attention on Bonnie. He cannot explain her sudden fascination with Klaus. There is a quiet obnubilation, and Bonnie seems to seek her breath from him. To make matters worse, Klaus appears to have the right to caress and touch her at will while Bonnie has been adamant about Jeremy keeping in mind the boundaries.

"And that makes you special or explain why you are here." Jeremy deadpans.

Klaus smirks and he relaxes his posture. He looks at Bonnie who happens to lose herself in many thoughts. The warm from Klaus' body engulfs Bonnie, and it is extremely reassuring. The natural heat soothes her nerves, even though the situation creates tensions, she relaxes.

"Bonnie should explain quite easily why I am here." Klaus retorts.

Klaus' thumb, which soothes her clothed knee, plays an important role in the process of keeping Bonnie calm. Klaus brushes a rebel strand away from her blushing face, and his knuckles graze the warm surface of her inflamed skin. His touch mesmerizes and distracts her. She somehow makes nothing of Jeremy's presence.

"Bonnie?" Jeremy calls in a demanding tone . "Do you care to explain?" As exasperation grows, Jeremy threatens to unleash his petulant temper.

On top of his annoyance, Jeremy has to overlook his growing discomfort. The intimacy, which Klaus and Bonnie display, is overwhelming. With a few looks, they appear to undress each other. Bonnie is suddenly deaf and blind to her surroundings.

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