Chapter 9: Home.

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**Tori's POV**

I wake up still in the hospital bed in pain, Dean is softly snoring next to me as John is cuddled up to my legs. I can't help but to smile, this is my family. My baby brother, my big brother and my dad. Sam starts to stir in his sleep but gets comfortable, I can't help to think where my sister is though. Probably in our hiding cabin that I set up in Wisconsin, I got it ready for us because we were planning to run away. She's probably fine, she's strong and independent she's got this. 

About 10 minutes later John's eyes flutter open as he stretched out his sore muscles, "Good Morning Tori" He says in a sleepy voice, I chuckle at his sleepy smile. I sit up s bit waking the boys, "Sorry" I say in a whisper, they sit up and stretch out their arms and legs, "It's alright, how long have we been out?" Dean says rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, "About 7 hours, why?" I reply looking at the clock, "Jesus, well thanks for letting us sleep in." Dean replied as he gave me a small hug which I return, "So can we get outta here I hate hospitals." I say cracking my knuckles. I receive a chuckle from John and Sam, "Yeah of course, let's go." He says   

getting up as Dean follows, but Sam helps me off the bed, "Thanks bro!" I say to Sam as I fist bump him. "No problem, Bro." Sam replied as we walked out of the hospital room, "Shouldn't we check out?" Sam say as we walk through the door to the parking lot, "Nah we're good." I say as we walk up to the Impala, "So what now?" I ask looking at John. "What do you mean?" He replies with a confused expression, 'wow john your slow'  I thought as I sighed. "John, thanks for helping me out and all but I have to go to Wisconsin. I have to see if my sister is there." I say as Dean face kinda falls, but smiles as he thinks of something, "We can take you, Right dad?" Dean says full of hope as he looks up at John, he returns the smile "Yeah we can." He says looking straight at me, "Ok, thanks." I reply as Sam runs and jumps into the backseat with a smile, Dean and I laugh as we get in the car. "Wow, this is a baby car, I mean you gotta treat her with all the respect in the world and make sure she ain't damaged." I say to Dean. "Thanks now I know what to call her." He replies as I chuckle, "Alright then." I say leaning back into my seat. John starts Baby as he turns to look at me, "Where in Wisconsin are you headed?" he says with a smirk, "Eau Claire" I say bouncing my eyebrows. "Alrighty then." He says as he pulls out of the parking lot and to Eau Claire, Wisconsin. 

~In Eau Claire, WI~ 

We pulled up to an old cabin, "This it?" Dean says looking back to me, "Yep, Stay here. She doesn't like new people." I say getting out. "Please be here" I say under my breath as I knock, "Who is it?" She says through the door, "Dr. Badass" I reply as I hear the door open, "Tori?" She says in a shaky voice, I smile "Yes, Shelby it's me." I say as she wraps me in a hug, "I was so worried he got to you, Good job getting out Shelbers" I say as I released the hug and messed up her black hair, she glanced at the Impala and her face went from worried to panicked real quick. Shelby grabbed my arm and pulled me inside and shut the door, "How did he get here?" She says looking through the window, "Who? Them....What about him?" I ask as worry finds its way to my face, "How do you know them Shelby?" I ask her once more, she looked at me in confusion. "How do you not remember? We went to a auto- junk yard in South Dakota where 'dad' wanted to steal some gun. You came and saved me from him and another man trapped me in between 2 shelves, you told em' your name was Dr. Badass after singing your scary ass lullaby." Shelby says as she takes my hands into hers, I shake my head. 'What is she talking about? I don't remember this at all but it's all very detailed so it must have happened. Did 'dad' make me forget again? If this happened wouldn't have John remembered me?' I ask myself before hearing knocking on the door. "Tori? Are you alright?" I hear John say, "Yeah just give me a sec." I reply as I opened the door, John's head immediately snapped in the direction of Shelby. "You?!" He says as he started walking towards her, I step in between them. Shelby's breathing became uneven, "Just breath Shelby, You'll be fine. I promise." I say reassuring her. John's face turned confused, "This is your sister?" He finally says looking straight in the eyes, Shelby's head fall to her chest in embarrassment. "Yes she is, and you're not going to touch her. Now tell me WHAT THE FLYING FUCK HAPPENED IN SOUTH DAKOTA!" I yell the last part as I turn to my sister, "Shelby?" I say as I raised an eyebrow. Something in John's head clicked before hearing, "Do you not remember?" He asked as I turned on my heel to face him, "No, I'm doing it for shits and giggles. Now for the love of Satan somebody tell me what happened." I said with irritation as the boys sat down on the couch, "I'll fill you in." I hear Shelby say in a small voice. Shelby, John and I sat down at the table before telling me everything that went down, Shelby filled in John of why we were there and what we took. "Sorry John, but that gun is long gone." Shelby finished, "It's alright, it was the fake we keeped for situations like this." He says with a smirk. We laugh as the boys just listened to our conversation, "I'm sorry Tori, 'dad' must have erased you memory again." Shelby says while fidgeting with her thumbs, "It's all good bro!" I say to her as she smiled softly......

I jolt up from my dream, breathing heavy looking over to Shelby who's laying on the couch. 'Just another dream tori' I think to myself as I hear from downstairs, "TORI GET YOUR SLUTTLY ASS DOWN HERE!" Dad yells as I comply. Just another day in hell. And now my good dream left my memory as I walked down the stairs. Just another tear sheaded down my cheek. 

The end.

A/n I hope you enjoyed this plot twist of Tori's Story. I love you all and I'll see you in the next book! BYE-BYE! 

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