Chapter 1

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So this story is centered around Ioan Gruffudd's character Harold Godfrey Lowe. He was the fifth officer of the titanic. Mr.Lowe was a great man and as to not disturb his golden memory I chose to model Ioan's character after an OC. I'd like to say a few things about Mr. Lowe before I begin. He was a just and loyal man. His was one of the only two boats that returned to the wreckage of the Titanic to gather survivors. He was a selfless, intelligent, and kind man. He survived the Titanic, and  died May 12 1944. Rest in peace Mr.Lowe. I hope I haven't done anything to taint your memory in any way.

  It was April 10, 1912, I was preparing to board the Titanic with my father and his horrid girlfriend of two weeks Marisa. I felt the car stop and I looked up from my white lace gloves to see "The Ship Of Dreams" or as it says on the boat the "Titanic". I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a brief moment while my bags were being unloaded. My father was determined to find me a husband on this ship, and I was completely against it. I am to be 18 next month and have yet to be betrothed to someone which I was fine with. The car door opened bringing me out of my thoughts. A short, chubby man stood there with his hand out for me to grab. I smiled at him before taking his hand and stepping out of the car. My father and Marisa were in a separate car because we wouldn't all fit in one. I stood near the outside of the car until a white and black one pulled up in the back of the one I rode in.

  The short man walked up to the door and opened it for my father. The plump 45 year old stepped out of the car and then helped Marisa out. Marisa looked up in delight at the Titanic, she then stepped forward and leaned into my father to kiss him on the cheek. You see I wouldn't have a problem with Marisa if she wasn't using my father for his money, and wasn't 15 years younger than him. I rolled my eyes and turned away from them to look up at the magnificent ship infront of me. Soon the maids had gathered all the bags and beckoned us onto the ship. We walked onto the ship and were escorted by a woman that showed us to our rooms. I of course had a separate room from my father and Marisa thank goodness. We had time to settle in before dinner with the captain a lot of time actually. I decided to take a look around while the maids unpacked our things and father and Marrisa do whatever to their heart's content.

  I walked out of my room and down the corridor. The ship was quite beautiful, I've never seen anything this magnificent. I saw people of great caliber and wealth, many I knew and many I would soon get to know. There were many handsome young men that I'm sure my dad would introduce me to, but none of them really caught my eye or tickled my fancy as Marisa would say before I bursted out laughing at her lunacy. I soon made it to the deck to see people of all sorts, the lower class mostly admiring the beautiful view of the ocean. I was on the top deck admiring the sight below me when I made eye contact with a man at the bottom deck. He was very handsome, he wore one of the captain's crew uniform. He kept eye contact with me for a few short moments when my heart beat sped up and I couldn't help the smile that made it's way onto my lips. The man smiled and gave a short wave before turning around to finish conducting people around the deck. My heart fluttered, it was a feeling I've never had before and it was pure bliss.

    My thoughts were soon interrupted by my fathers stern maid Celeste. "You best forget that boy; of lower class he is. How dare you smile at someone so below you, and in the captain's crew?! Believe me you your father will be notified. Now come with me your father has requested I bring you back to the room to meet some one." My smile was long gone when I gave Celeste a curt nod and followed her back to my room to see my father and a boy around my age maybe a little older.  He smiled and grabbed my hand kissing it "Hello Octoviana I'm Chandler Merrick." Another suitor no doubt I thought while rolling my eyes inwardly but I smiled on the outside. Did I mention I'm a Sinclair? My many of greats grandfather founded a company that produces various types of building materials which is not the only source of our wealth. My great, great grandfather struck oil sometime back, also not to long ago one of the men my father hired to go down south with a group of men found gold while digging in the Sinclair territories. So as you can imagine our wealth grew immensely. I believe this is why my father is so cautious to find me a husband, to make sure I'm not being used for the Sinclair fortune.

   After mine and Chandler's introductions he chatted with my father for a bit before bidding us all a good day leaving the room. I turned to Marisa and my father to see their smiling faces. "So do you like Mr.Merrick?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the straight forward question that Marisa asked me. "I don't know I've just met him, now enough with these suitors already I'm sick and tired of meeting strange men and going out with them." I said raising my voice a bit to my father's displeasure. "Good, because you are now betrothed to young Chandler there." My face dropped and tears weld up on my eyes. "What! Father I barley know him! I can't-I can't no I won't!" " You can and you will Octoviana." My father said in a stern voice. I broke into tears falling to my knees. "Get up you foolish girl this is so unlike you." I heard Marisa say in a hushed voice so other's couldn't hear. I got up and wiped my tears looking at my father shaking my head in a jester of disappointment and glaring at him. I then ran out into the hall way with tears in my eyes. It was 3:33 pm when I got onto the deck. I walked to the edge of the boat and looked out into the distance, not many people were around. I continued to silently sob into my arms.

   It was around 4:00 when my crying finally subsided and I looked up once more. I wiped my tears and sniffled a bit before turning around and walking forward with my head down. Suddenly I felt myself bump into someone rather harshly. I looked quickly looked up at the man. I knew it was a male from his hard chest and broad shoulders. "Im sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I said quickly recognizing him as the man from earlier. "It's quiet alright ma'am as I'm afraid I wasn't either. Are you lost Madam?" A small smile tugged at my lips untill I remembered what brought me here in the first place, and I frowned a bit. "Miss are you alright?" He asked me suddenly. "Yes I am I was just out for a stroll. I was um looking for the uh.. The dinning  room! Yes that's where I was heading." I'm so stupid the dinning room clearly isn't on the deck dummy!!! "I'm sorry to say that you were quiet off track ma'am but perhaps I could guide you there." He suggested with grin. "That would be lovely Mr.?" "Worthington, John Worthington." I grinned at him I've always fancied the name John. "And you are miss?" "Octoviana." I didn't offer him my last name in fear that he would become intimidated by a woman of my caliber. We linked arms and were on our way.

  "I can't say that I don't recognize you from earlier. You are quite the distraction if I may say so" He smirked a bit looking down at me. "You may if you'd tell me what you mean by it." I said slyly smirking back at him. "Working as a ship officer the thousands of people I come across start to look the same, but Miss can I say that you are a sight for sore eyes." I giggled a little at his use of words and his accent in combination. "That sounds like a compliment, and those are never free so allow me to say Mr.Worthington that I do recognize you from earlier as a man of your liking is hard to forget." His eyes lit up as he replied. "Handsome and well built?" He offered jokingly to which I laughed not that it wasn't true though. "Well it does help that you are a man of authority." I said stoking the ego every man possesses. " Well you are talking to the 5th officer of this ship." He boasted. "And I am delighted Sir but look at that we've reached the dining room. I'm afraid it's time to part ways." He looked a little disappointed as he unlinked my slim delicate arm from his strong lean one. "Thank you for leading me here Mr.Worthington I am most positive I couldn't have done it without your help." I said stepping a tiny bit closer to him. "And I am most certain that you could Madam it is after all at the center of this ship." He said nervously. "It would seem so, I guess I won't be needing your help again." I said backing up two steps. "Well the corridors are tricky and can be confusing. If you need help finding something please don't hesitate to come ask Miss. Octoviana." He said grabbing my hand and kissing it. "I'm afraid I must be leaving now."  He said before smiling nervously. "Goodbye John." I said before he started stalking off the direction in which we came.

  My eyes followed his retreating figure until he turned the corner. I realized that my heart had been beating quickly and my face was hot like I was blushing. What a dashing man, I sighed as I leaned against the wall dreamily. I was quickly brought out of my daze as I realized I was supposed to be back by now. I quickly rushed in the direction we came in and then up to my room. When I arrived I was breathing hard. "Where have you been young lady we are going to be late for dinner with the  captain! Come on we must get you ready!" Marisa screeched as I entered the room. Here we go.

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