Chapter 14

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Areef decided not to go home anymore. He headed for the company. He would just get himself busy. It was disturbing him and like remora on shark the fact that Deedah was trying to get him married to his PA miss Ahmad.

As he reached the company he saw that some staff are present. He had made them organize a roaster for themselves to take turns reporting to work even during weekends.

The doorman  welcomed him as he entered the building. He headed straight to his office. He started sorting some documents and replying to some mails in utter frustration. He can't wait to get to Lagos tomorrow and have a serious conversation with his over dramatic and under matured elder sister. She must be insane if she thinks he can agree to marry miss Ahmad. He can't stand her clumsiness at all.

He was lost in thought when he heard a knock on the door. He answered and no longer than a minute he regretted coming to the company today.

Oh Areef, what is the scowl all about?  Aren't you supposed to be happy to see me?  She said to him as she sat down on the chair in front of him.

He didn't answer her. He just continued typing away.

Areef,  it's been a long time. I missed you.  She leaned on his desk smiling at him even though he hasn't even spared her a glance.

Areef this is no way to treat someone who flew halfway around the world to see you.

She started tapping his desk to get his attention but all in vain. She sighed frustrated before smiling wickedly and before Areef noticed she unplugged his computer cable.

He was beyond pissed when suddenly his system went blank only to find the cable in Amrah's hands.

What the hell is wrong with you?  What brought you here in the first place and who let you into my building? He boomed his nose flaring.

Calm down Areef I just wanted to talk but you were giving me no attention. I'm sorry okay. She said putting her hands up in surrender.

First I don't want to talk to you. Second, you will never have my attention so now get out of my office. You should have stayed where you were.

She looked him in the eye as he did the same. She quietly picked her bag and made way for the door.  She reached the door and turned to Areef saying

I'll leave for now but you should know that I'm back for good now and I'll never leave no matter what........ Fianće. With that she left Areef standing and ten times more frustrated than he was.

'The day couldn't get any worse' he thought.

A deafening silence saturated the room. Until Deedee smiled at them.

Come on babies I can't wait to squeeze and smooch you all... Mummy's home.

That's all the kids needed and in no time they were in Their mother's arms. Shouting with utter delight.

Airah was frozen in her spot as she witnessed the kids in their mother's embrace. She could think of nothing.  And then her senses were back and only two names dominated her brain.

Ummee and Abba.

She whirled her head about and her eyes quickly landed on them seated on Ummee's favorite sofa.

She felt her throat tighten and her vision blurred but she absentmindedly dashed for her parents.

Ummee! Abba!

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