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chapter thirteen:

His father’s words felt like a buzz between his ears. Principal Davis was here ― was in his house. Eating with his family. Caelum would have to sit next to him. Caelum would have to listen and respond accordingly. Caelum would have to behave and not turn and run out of the room.

This was what Caelum deserved. He should have just went with him ― he shouldn't have listened to Peter that morning.

Caelum didn't comprehend the afternoon's order. One minute, he was standing and staring at the scene. The next, he was sitting down beside Principal Davis, staring numbly at a plate of vegetables.

His father said grace. Caelum didn't close his eyes, and he was glad he didn't. Principal Davis rested his hand on Caelum’s leg, gripping his thigh. Caelum nearly kicked, but stopped himself.

They passed the food around. His rather asked questions, Caelum responded blandly. “Yes, sir. No, sir.”

He was hyper-aware of Principal Davis stroking his groin. He wanted to scream. He wanted to run. He wanted to slap his hand away and get as far from there as possible. His father was asking him something, he only heard the end of it. “―Scholarship cover next school year?”

Principal Davis answered, “The partial scholarship would have to be renewed before the end of term.” Caelum froze. No, no, no!

“‘Partial’?” His father repeated, confused.

“That was a mistake,” Caelum tried to speak. “I have the full scholarship.” He prayed Principal Davis would catch on.

Principal Davis rose an eyebrow. “No. You have the partial scholarship. The full scholarship went to. . . what was his name?” Caelum begged him not to say the name. For once, he begged he would forget it. His heart felt like it would fall out. “Peter Parker?”

His parents gaped, the boys stopped whispering. Caelum could have died on the spot. “Peter. . . Parker?” His father repeated, slowly. His eyes shifted to Caelum and all Caelum wanted to do was die.

“Yes,” Principal Davis nodded, “He's quite a bright boy.”

Peter Parker,” His father repeated again. Caelum just wanted him to leave. He wanted them all to leave. And he wanted Principal Davis to stop touching him!

Yes. I thought you were aware of that.” Caelum wanted to cry. His father was glaring holes in his head. The look of shock and disappointment on his mother's face could have killed him.

No,” his father said. “We were not aware of this.”

Principal Davis looked at Caelum, who was utterly still. “Well, that's interesting.” He ― finally ― moved his hand to check the time. His touch still lingered and Caelum thought he was going to be sick. “I believe it is getting quite late. I'll have to go. It was lovely meeting you.”

“And you as well, Mr. Davis,” his mother said politely, but his father didn't move. Principal Davis grabbed stood, shook hands with his mother and father before grabbing his coat and leaving.

Caelum stared at the door, silently. He wished he could turn back time. He watched his mother stand, grabbing the boy’s arms. “Go to your room,” she ordered.

“But―!” They protested.

Now!” His father boomed and Caelum flinched. The boys stood from their seat and scrambled away. It was just his parents and him. His father stood, walking over. “‘Partial' scholarship?”

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