When Life Gives You Lemons, Cry

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Time froze.

My blood was like ice in my veins and I couldn't even tell if my heart was still beating.

"W-hat?" My voice was barely audible, Cassius looked at me, expressionless.

"I have a mate," he replied and leaned back.

My heart shattered.

That was it. That was really it. I couldn't breathe. I wanted to scream and cry, but it was as if I had no tears to cry.

"Ge-get ah-way fr-from m-m-me," I panted and weakly and pushed away from him, but my body felt like lead. I tripped and toppled onto the floor.

"Alabaster," Cassius called as if he were chastising a child, I shook my head and backed away from him. My palm rested on the corner of his desk as he rose to stop me from moving away. The pain that shot through my legs was dull compared to the excruciating ache in my chest. My lip quivered and I turned my back on him, sobbing harshly.

"Leave me alone," my voice sounded strong, but I was falling apart on the inside. "I don't want you to touch me if-" I broke off and squeezed my eyes closed, his hand bushed against my back but I pulled away. "I hate you, you're the worst thing that ever happened to me and I wish we had never met." I whispered and walked away, slowly and deliberately. The door shut behind me and every step was a marathon of broken bones. But I couldn't seem to stop. I broke into a jog, and then a run and tried to leave the pain behind me, but it hurt so bad. My head shook as tears finally began to well up.


My arm snapped.


Blood boiled.


My body ached


I tripped on a loose board and crumpled into a ball on the floor. It hurt. But I continued. I stumbled to my feet and leaned against the plaster wall breathing heavily. I pressed the side of my face to it and closed my eyes. Sobs heaved from my lungs as I clutched my arms to my chest.

Waiting there seemed like an eternity. Waiting for what? I don't know. A sign that I should go back, that I should ask him to explain. That he would tell me it was all just a joke and that he- that he loved me. My lips curled into a bitter smile, who had ever loved me. Who ever would? I was an incubus, I was not meant to find love or a mate. No one wants something used, especially not as a lover. I exhaled and leaned my back against the wall, letting my arms fall to my sides.

It's not worth living through this shit. Cassius would never know what it's like to live like this. To be called a whore and a slut and every other slur you could think of. He would never understand how badly it hurts when one of my kind is raped and no one blinks an eye. Only because they're an incubus or a succubus, like they were made only for the pleasure of others. He would never know what it feels like to be pushed down so many times and one day, not get back up. I had known so many Incubi and succubi as a child and now I know none, because they killed themselves.

The life of an incubus is worse than a dog.

And Cassius would never, ever, understand that.

Silence greeted my thoughts, bitter silence.

"Ahem," someone coughed, I blinked and looked through my blurry eyes. Zisael.

Oh, fuck my life.

He wore a billowing white button up and skinny jeans and far more casual than I'd ever seen the prince. His hands were shoved into his pockets as he leaned against the wall opposite to me. "What did he do this time?"

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