Chapter 2: Explanations

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Previously on Stuck in Remnant...

Our heroes awaken to find themselves surrounded by the members of team RWBY. After convincing them they weren't a threat, questions will be asked, and some lessons will be learned. How will everyone react to hearing Goku and Vegetas origins? Find out, now.

Beacon Cafeteria

As the team led Goku and Vegeta to the cafeteria they decided to ask some questions about who they really were, because falling out of the sky and getting back up like it was was unheard of. You would expect someone to have broken bones after a fall like that, but Goku and Vegeta shook it off as if it was normal to them. "Soooo you two, mind telling us where you came from?" Yang asked. "Your asking that as if we're aliens" Vegeta stated. "Well, they're not wrong about that Vegeta" Goku said scratching the back of his head. "Wait what?!" Ruby yelled. "Are you guys really aliens!?" The young redhead asked. Goku was about to open his mouth when Vegeta put a hand over his mouth silencing him, "We'll answer your questions after we had something to eat." The group entered the cafeteria where only a few teams sat, those being team JNPR plus team CFVY who both were sitting next to each other, talking. Goku and Vegeta didn't pay attention to any of them as their sights were on the food. The second they step foot in the cafeteria the two Saiyans immediately rushed over to the food. Grabbing whatever they could fit on their plates, they took a seat and started chomping down food at an inhuman rate. The rest of the occupants in the cafeteria took notice to the two and watched in awe, some in disgust (Weiss). Each second remains of food flying around the place as some landed on some unlucky people (Jaune). After a while the two decided they had enough even though they could eat more. "Ah! That was some good grub, don't you say Vegeta?" Goku asked his rival. The Saiyan prince just nodded in agreement, "Now thats over with, we will answer any questions you have" Vegeta said turning towards team RWBY who still stood there with looks of shock on their faces. Weiss being the first to snap out of it had asked a question that surely everyone had, "Just what are you two?" The two stayed silent for a moment before Vegeta spoke up, "What the redhead asked earlier, about us...being aliens, it's true." The team and everyone who was there fell over from shock and confirmed suspicions that anyone had. "But I thought aliens would be little green men like in the movies" Ruby said. " what are you then?" Blake asked. "Do you remember what I said earlier when I introduced myself?" Vegeta asked the four. "Oh yeah!" Yang exclaimed. "You said you were a prince of, uh, what was it called again?" Yang asked her team. "Saiyans" Vegeta spoke, "What I said is that me and Kakarot here are Saiyans, the last few of our kind." "Wait, the last of your kind, what happened to the rest then?" Ruby asked. "We'll get to that in a second, but allow me to explain the Saiyan race; the Saiyans were a mighty warrior race, they were a proud race, but they committed crimes that were...rather cruel, they often would invade other planets and take over them, killing all life that inhabit it." Everyone gasped in shock hearing that, "Wait, you two said your these Saiyans, so are you here to take over our world?" Blake asked which got everyone to tense up. Noticing this Goku tried to calm everyone, "Whoa there! We're not going to take over, we don't even know what world this is" "Or universe..." Vegeta quietly mumbled. "Well, uh, how bout we go out for some fresh air?" Ruby suggested. The group just nodded with that as they got up and started walking, still feeling uneasy about Goku and Vegeta. The group walked around for a while chatting about somethings as if they didn't hear about Goku and Vegeta's story about the Saiyan race. "Will everyone group up right now!" Ruby suddenly yelled. Listening, everyone got in a circle. "I don't want to be mean Ruby, but what is the point of this?" Jaune asked. "To get to know more about our other world friends!" Ruby exclaimed pointing at Goku and Vegeta. The two sweat dropped as all eyes were now on them. "Well?" Ruby said gesturing for them to go on. "What exactly do we talk about?" Goku asked. "Hmmm, how about your story, how did it all begin for you after you know...your planet blew up" Ruby awkwardly said that last part. "Well, from what my friends told me, I landed in a space pod where an old man found me, and that old man became my grandpa, Gohan. Apparently I was born with a tail also, but I never thought much about it. Vegeta knew what was coming and quickly spoke up, "All Saiyans are born with tails, and you could say those tails are...special in a way. "How so?" Weiss asked. "Well, whenever there is a full moon out, we transform into great apes" Goku said casually. The group gave him a 'are you serious look' "It's true" Vegeta said. "How come we don't see your tails then?" Yang asked. "They were cut off" Vegeta replied. "But why, how?" Weiss asked. "You see, when we transform into great apes, we tend to lose control and destroy everything in our path, the only way to stop a great ape from raging is to cut the tail off." Vegeta said. "Also" Vegeta continued, "The answer to how our tails were cut off is well from what I hear Kakarot got his cut a long time ago while mines was cut off by one of Kakarots friends" Vegeta remembered Yajirobe cutting his tail while he had his guard down. "Whoa, were you two, enemies back then?" Ruby asked in curiosity. "Yes, that is true" Vegeta answered. "T-Then why are you two, you know..." Yang said. Goku then stepped in to explain the story of when the Saiyans came to Earth looking to take over it, with Goku explaining the battle he had with his brother, Raditz, how he kidnapped his son Gohan, tried to blackmail him into joining him, and how he died sacrificing himself to ensure the defeat of Raditz. He then went on to explain the story of when Nappa and Vegeta came to Earth seeking the Dragon Balls for their own devious desires. "Wait, pause for a second, Dragon Balls, are you serious?" Yang said laughing her ass off. The group chuckled in response as Vegeta got irritated. "It's not like that" Goku said. "You see, there are seven dragon balls scattered around the world, and when you collect all seven, the eternal dragon Shenron appears and can grant any wish." This got a huge reaction out of anyone, any wish they want? It sounded too good to be true. After explaining the limitations the dragon balls had, Goku went back to explaining during the time he was waiting for the Saiyans arrival while training with King Kai in Otherworld. When he got to the part where he was resurrected, Vegeta stepped in seeing how it was him that Goku battled after all. Vegeta made it sound like he was the one dominating the fight when Goku was the one who had the upper hand. "Come on Vegeta, you know that is not how it went" Goku said. "It is so stop denying it Kakarot!" Vegeta yelled. "So what happened next?" Ruby asked leaning in on the edge of her seat, eyes wide, the others following suit. Goku and Vegeta stopped arguing and got back to where they left off where Vegeta turned into a great ape and how Yajirobe cut his tail off. Even with Gohan transforming and bashing Vegeta it wasn't enough to put him down. Then they explained the Spirit Bomb and how it got Vegeta down for the count. "So....d-did he end up losing?" Ruby asked. "You could technically say that, my best friend Krillin almost ending up killing Vegeta, but I begged him to let him go." To this day Vegeta couldn't understand why Goku had let him go that day. "How do you two even get along with each other?" Weiss asked. "Well I can tolerate this clown for the most part, you could say he's my eternal rival" Vegeta said while Goku took action to being called a clown. Time had went by fast as the group had been out for almost 2 hours now, the sun was still up and it was still pretty early being 4:00 in the afternoon. "That's quite the story you told there" Blake said. "Yep! Been on even more adventures after that, but thats a story for another time" Goku sheepishly said. "Oh! You never introduced us to your friends there" Goku said pointing at teams JNPR and CFVY. "Oh yea, sorry bout that, your story really had me on the edge of my seat" Ruby said. (I know there are a lot of timeskips, it cuz I'm a lazy bastard xD) After everyone introduced themselves Goku looked at the brown haired girl with what looked like to be rabbit ears, Velvet he name was. "Hey, don't mind me, but whats with the animal ears?" Goku asked pointing at Velvets ears. The faunus blushed at the attention. "Do tell please, I am interested as well" Vegeta chimed in. The group explained the faunus and how people look down on them and treat them like they are animals. Goku seemed to get angry while Vegeta frowned in response to that. Suddenly a growl was heard as red eyes appeared all around. The group minus Goku and Vegeta pulled out their weapons and got into a battle stance. The creatures known as Grimm, Beowolves in this case stepped out. Goku and Vegeta they couldn't sense any energy coming from it which was strange to them. Suddenly the Beowolves lunged and the battle had begun.

Hah! Left y'all on a cliffhanger, didn't I? Remember to comment/leave suggestions and I will see you all in the next chapter!


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