Chapter 1

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Tony's Pov

"M-Mr.Stark watch where you are walking!'' A young boy, by the name of Peter Parker, shouted.

"I know were I'm going, Kid," I grunted. Crossing the street in front of me.

Every single damn day of my life I wish that car accident never happened. I wish I just, kept my damn eyes on the road. This is what texting and driving can get you in. 2 years having to be walked by a service dog or some teenage boy. Sometimes both.

I like to leave the service dog home because I hate walking around with it. It looks dumb and it looks god damn rediculous. And it annoys me the most when I hear grown ass adults across the street go "Awww look at the doggy!!" Or "Oh what a cute dog!!" Some people even ask to pet it. Peter tells me that there is a "do not pet" sign on the dog, but because of the amount of people that asked to pet it, in starting to not believe him.

Peter usually gets angry when I leave the dog home. He doesn't express it but I know he does. He tells me the service dog costed a lot of money and I should use it to not waste my money. But so? I am a billionaire, buying that dog was like buying a pack of ramen noodles, cheap and after a while you get tir-

"Mr.Stark!!! The Cashier wants to take your order!!" I heard Peter shout.

"Oh, uh, Just a coffee please, thank you." I ordered.

"Would you like cream in your coffee sir?" The employee cheerfully asked.

"Yea sure." I replied, pulling out my wallet. "How much?" I asked.

"Mmm," she thought, putting the order in the computer. "Just $3.50 sir!"

"Okay," I responded, taking out what I assumed was 3 dollars and 50 cents. I was about to hand it to her untill I heard the histance in her voice. "Uhh Sir you are giving me $60.50...."

"Oh! I uh-"

"Mr.Stark I can get it out for you," I heard Peter offer.

I sighed and handed him the wallet. I really had no other choice. All dollars feel the same and I left my credit card at home. This is extremely embarrasing.

After paying I walked over towards a table nearby and sat down along with Peter. I heard Peter sigh as he sat down. "Mr.Stark-"

"Kid you don't have to call me Mr.Stark," I interrupted.

"Sorry. I just don't feel comfortable calling you by your first name." Peter sighed.

"You've known me for 2 years, Peter,"

"Yea and I've been calling you Mr.Stark for 2 years, so it feels weird calling you Tony,"

"Well how about you start today? Calling me, Tony. I'm not your teacher, Peter,"

"I know, I know. Sorry. I'll try to get used to it," Peter apologized.

"You don't have to keep apologizing, Peter,"


"Coffee?" The waiter said, setting down my Coffee on the table.

"Thanks," I greeted, getting up from the table and signaling Peter to follow me.

I pushed the door open and followed Peter by the sound of his footsteps. I do admit it is harder getting around with the service dog at home, but at this point I dont care.

I walked towards a cross walk and waited. I heard the little ding to tell pedestrians it's safe to walk. I began to walk until I heard Peter screaming my name. "Mr.Stark!" He shouted. "MR.STARK!!!" I heard him shout again.

As I was about to scream "WHAT?" back I heard a car horn so clear and so close that the only thing I could think of at that moment was "This is it." As a human reflex I crouched down, held my breath, and crossed my arms in front of me. I heard the corn horn inch closer, then a second later, it was gone. The car horn faded and I head tires skid in front of me along with another car hitting it, it was like, the cars where going right through me. "What the..."

"Mr.Stark!!! Oh my god why did you cross I didn't tell you too-"

"I'm blind not deaf, Peter. I heard the meter go off," I argued as I began to rush to the sidewalk.

"Sir that was somebody's phone! I know you can hear but you are never certain if whatever you are hearing is what you think you-"

"Peter, how did I not get hit?" I interrupted. After I had said that he never responded. As a blind person I can't tell if he knew how it happened and didn't want to tell me, or he didn't know how it happened either. Either way I wanted an answer, and I wanted one quick. "Peter!"

"I don't know!! I'm just as confused as you are, M-"

"I did it." I heard a deep voice emit from right behind me and god did it scare the absolute shit out of me. As much as I wish I could give a deep description of him... All I can say from his voice and what I can see, is that he is tall and male.

"And I before I go I need to say be more careful. You could have killed the people in those cars or even yourself."

"Oh um you-"

"I can speak for myself, Peter." I cut off. Took a deep breath, and spoke. "I knew what I was doing, sir. I just mistook a beep of someones phone for something else-"

"When the parking meter shows a white man walking, then you walk. You dont listen out for a noise." The man spoke. God he is getting on my nerves.

"He's blind." Peter stepped in. "Sorry. He forgot his service dog at home and is counting on me now, he thought when the parking meter beeped, it meant to go, I should have been paying attention, sorry," He apologized.

I heard the man sigh and I physically felt him glare at me then roll his eyes. I just had a gut feeling he did it. "It's okay. Be more careful next time." As ge said that everything went silent. It was as noise was reversing.

I began to hear people talk backwards, car horns go backwards, and even little blobs walk backwards. Then, after just a few minutes, everything quit, and nothing was reversed anymore.

I looked back at the direction in where the man stood and yelled. "What the hell is-"

"Mr. Stark," I heard Peter interrupt.

"He's gone."

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